Thursday 19 November 2015

SpinTires #43


Kurt hopes to wrap up the river map with this episode. He starts another lumber delivery in the dark of night.

Again it involves crossing the river! He gets stuck and takes a lot of damage but thanks to the current he's still able to get up on the island. He then decides to bring another truck out to it for repairs, which he does successfully. The repair truck has a much easier time to cross as the spot is much more shallow. The repaired truck now continues on but gets stuck again shortly afterwards so Kurt has to do a jump cut to a part where he has the river crossed. Finding a safe route must be like looking for a light switch in the dark...

We rejoin Kurt at the other side at last. He went through quite the ordeal but he's finally on his way to making the final delivery! He hums the Hawaii Five-O theme happily and reflects on the various misadventures he had during this map. He says how he may wait until the next update to play again. It'll be quite a long time away.

Until then I'll miss this series and I'll also miss wondering what the heck is the story behind those abandoned apartments by the river.

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