Friday 13 November 2015

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP04


We join Kurt as he further tinkers with his new Subaru.

Kurt tries out his new ride on the Montagne Hill Climb event. Driving on some gravel, Kurt comments how it's really bright and how it's almost radioactive. I've seen that on very sunny Summer days, how the sun can make the gravel seem really bright and blinding.

After this event Kurt has a look at some Drivatars duking it out. He then decides to challenge VintageBeef's Drivatar with its Ford Focus car. The area here is very pretty, like some kind of riviera area.

The next event Kurt participates in takes place during very rainy weather. Things look very shiny and skiddy here.

Kurt earns a Wheelspin roulette thing. I like the way he says "Big money, big money, big money!"

He ends the episode out on doing doughnut skids in the rain

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