Tuesday 10 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #413

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM__l3YrQB0

Current distance from Kurt: 114 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt carefully exits the luxuriously sized hidey hole and recalls the last episode. He takes a screenshot of the top of the basin from below with the pink wool structure on top and the eerily similar shaped hole the TNT left on the cliff face underneath. Then it's off we go to the Far Lands!

Kurt sees a tall structure in the distance and wonders if it'll generate a mountain or a floaty thing. That's the kind of adventuresome thing we come to expect from this series! :) He heads off to "inwestigate"!

It turns out to be a cool floaty thing. Kurt talks about the recent local construction work and how it's still going so he's taking a hurried moment while it's still quiet to record an episode.

Now on to donator questions!

Donator Y asks "What is Pluto doing recently?"

Not much apart from the New Horizons spacecraft that'll be passing by in less than a year. That year has passed now so I wonder what news came of it?

Kurt decides against accidentally using a bed to cross water and risk a soggy mattress. Soon afterwards he builds his 1st elevated hidey hole near a hill with a solitary tree on top. Not before having to shoo Wolfie off the platform though!

In the morning Kurt starts hearing machine noises but goes on to answer another donator question.

Donator Seán asks about MindCrack UHC. Unfortunately Kurt missed the recent season due to scheduling. The question is "Which MindCrackers do you think would make an interesting UHC pairing? Are there any MindCrackers you haven't been teamed up with in the past that you'd like to play with? Or any ones that you have played with that suit your style and play personality and also any ideas you'd like to see in future UHCs?"

He mentions a few people for various reasons like the astronomy interest and dynamic enjoyed from previous play sessions. He'd like to see the shrinking border idea come back too.

At one point Kurt finds a big hole that has a little garden at the bottom. It's really cool looking but dangerous for Wolfie!

At the end of the second day, more machine noises happen!

Donator Rick from the UK asks about parallel universes, like if there were a parallel universe Kurt, what would he be like?

Kurt likes it as a thought experiment but also taking it lightly. He discusses it for a while.

I'm the same. Fun to think about but just fun to think about!

Before answering another question, Kurt nearly loses the boat out at sea.

A Patron asks "Would you ever like to fly an airplane or get a pilot's licence?"

He said he would but was more interested when he was in middle school. As for me I wouldn't be too pushed about it.

While answering this question he sees a cool little floating concrete sand structure thingy. Looks a bit like a Space Invader!

It's a goodnight woof from Wolfie set to a lovely sunset and Kurt turns in to a hidey hole for the night, despite the noisy construction machines outside!

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