Thursday 26 November 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #29


Millbee introduces Coestar, Kurt, MCGamer and himself with his smooth late night jazz radio voice.

First is SpeedHookers at the Plaza. Funny moment early on when MC and Kurt stand at the door waiting for someone to open it, even though they're the only two there! Tasty slow mo moment where Kurt hooks Coestar into the spikes, saving himself from them!

Second is SpeedHookers again at the Factory. Another tasty slow mo moment here where MC hooks Kurt away to another path! Good few laughs to be had here!

Third is SpeedHookers another time at the Library. When the door closes on MC, Kurt delivers a snazzy line that's worth putting on a t-shirt!

SpeedHookers seems like a good opportunity to capture all these slow mo worthy moments.

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