Wednesday 25 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #424


Current distance from Kurt: 108 episodes. Gaining!

Back with Kurt as he observes the floating seeds in the corner of his hidey hole momentarily. He goes out, grabs Wolfie and off we go once again to the Far Lands!

He talks about a recent live stream he joined with Sevadus for a game called The Crew.

Then he goes into donator questions.

Donator Test4Echo asks a question about getting a second golden apple and Kurt wonders if he had answered it before. (he did! :) )

Kurt comes across a steep drop so he makes a waterfall which looks very impressive as it reaches the bottom and splits. Wolfie makes it without a scratch. Kurt then builds the first elevated hidey hole nearby.

In the morning, after greeting us a Good Waterfallsness, Kurt continues answering questions.

"What is the most important aspect of a game for you? Story? Gameplay? etc"

Kurt talks about the stuff he likes in games and uses some examples, like The Crew from earlier and Driver: San Francisco. That was a fun series he did! He brings up an interesting point about the reason why that game was so good was that it stopped trying to be like Grand Theft Auto. It was pretty original.

As for me, I appreciate the kind of originality that Driver: San Francisco had too. Playability is a fundamental aspect of course but also good quality audio, graphics and entertainment value are important to me. Atmosphere is an elusive thing that warms me to a game as well and it's a wonderful thing when a game nails it.

Kurt reckons that Watch Dogs could've originally been a Driver game — Driver: Chicago. Who knows at this stage?

For what it's worth, I quite like the Wii version of Driver: San Francisco as well as watching the version he played. :)

Donator Alzeroth asks "Do you have any special traditions this time of year?"

He usually does basic stuff like family dinner and gifts time. Same here. I do that as well, going to one family place and then going to another family place for gift exchanging, quality time and noms. :)

Another question "Have you ever regretted showing your face on YouTube?"

He mentions his avatar. I guess people expect him to be wearing 3D glasses or something. He also talks about his vlogging project and what he'd like to achieve with it.

While answering this question, Kurt turns in for the second night and takes a postcard picture of cliffs across the water from his elevated hidey hole. Wolfie seems to creepily respond to his orders to pose a certain way. They both go ahead to climb them afterwards.

Donator Will asks "Do you read all your YouTube comments?"

He doesn't as it's difficult with so many. He also talks more about GooglePlus.

While answering this, Kurt has to do another waterfall drop and Wolfie takes some heavy damage. Kurt feeds him almost his entire supply of food.

Another question from him "How do you decide what video to watch?"

He has his subscriptions and talks about trying to find time to watch videos made by others on the MindCrack server. He's trying to watch other vloggers too so he can learn about it himself.

Donator JB(sp?) asks "Do you send Christmas cards?"

Not usually but he might this year due to his move. As for me I never send Christmas cards. Used to trade them with classmates in primary school though. Nowadays I'd send a text or an e-mail on the day.

At the end of the episode, Kurt places a sapling just above the hidey hole. Poor Wolfie had a dangerous episode but he's still noodling around with us. :) Hope Kurt remembers to hunt pigs for more food.

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