Sunday 8 November 2015

(3/4) MindCrack Server: Caving Craziness - Weekly Livestream


Kurt begins the third half hour by exploring the newly found ravine via a makeshift waterfall. There are some mobs littered about the walls so Sniper Kurt takes 'em out.

At the other side of the ravine there's a really tall waterfall that's lit up. Does it go up to the surface? That's what we're here to find out.

Kurt explores the abandoned mine shaft and he finds lots more gold and mobs and even another ravine!

Fatigue is beginning to set in and Kurt can feel it in his gluteus maximus from sitting and in his ears from the headphones. Hope there's no more back pain though. He takes some sips of water and hangs out with the Twitch chat for a little bit.

Kurt ventures through the mine shaft and finds loads of redstone. I'm losing count of the amount of ravines he's finding now!

AvidyaZEN briefly joins to make sure it really was on the MindCrack server Kurt was playing. He must've been impressed with all the ravines from watching the livestream!

After the ravine exploring, Kurt explores some mine shafts and raids their treasure chests. Still no diamond though...

The half hour ends with the discovery of a big round room with plenty of redstone but no diamond. Kurt decides to place a bed here and rests for a while.

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