Monday 16 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #416


Current distance from Kurt: 113 episodes. Falling behind! All those Forza videos in a row made things delay for a while but not too badly.

It's been a while! We join Kurt and Wolfie as they exit their very symmetrical hidey hole.

He finds a super cool land formation, two tunnels in a row where water flows through. After this some C418 music plays and Kurt gets all sentimental, saying how it's very nostalgic for him.

Throughout the first day Kurt talks about more space stuff and sees some more cool land formations.

On the second day Kurt goes into questions.

Donator Zack, who generously gave more donations than questions, asks about Kurt's data backup process. Kurt goes into detail about it. He sounds well prepared!

While answering this question, Kurt sees a lone tree standing on a tall pillar of dirt which looks pretty cool!

Second question from him "Do you have a favourite quote?"

He doesn't really have one but mentions how some quotes come up now and again that he likes.

Third question "Who is your favourite person in history and why?"

Kurt doesn't really have one of these either but talks about Neil Armstrong long into the second evening.

From Twitter: "What's the public transport like in America? Have there been any improvements? Have you used public transportation anywhere else in the world?"

He doesn't use it often and talks about factors like how America has sparse settlements outside of big cities. He prefers using his own transportation. He also tells a story about his time in Portland.

As for me, I use it and it's okay. Sometimes things get crazy busy at peak times but I'm served well enough in my area.

From YouTube in the comments on the last episode, Olora(sp?) asks "When was the last time you had to record while feeling not at your best? I ask because recently I have been unable to communicate effectively and I was wondering how do you as YouTubers overcome this, particularly when producing very frequent and up to date content?"

While answering this question, Kurt makes sand fall in a really neat chain reaction style and nearby there's a floating sand island that he partially topples. The game makes a spooky noise as if angry so he scampers off with Wolfie!

He doesn't really have specific examples but he does talk about stuff that would motivate him if he needed to as well as other factors.

When it comes to me and motivation among other factors to make content... well I'm still kind of starting out but I haven't really had any issues with that so far.

Kurt talks about this until the end of the third day when he sees a creeper spawn some distance away and immediately digs out a hidey hole. Hopefully that creeper won't be greeting him good morning in the next episode!

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