Thursday 12 November 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #22


Today there's no Millbee so instead we have Coestar joining Kurt, Avidya and MC.

The first stage is SS Royale. Coestar chooses to play as a fiery tiki-like character. Coestar wins this one. The playing field seems pretty level and Kurt isn't constantly kicking butt so things get quite interesting. Weirdly at one stage the screen shrinks and you can't see anyone on there. It's just the screen scrolling by itself.

For the second round it's on the SS Royale again. Everyone is getting really good at the game. That screen shrinking seems like a nuisance and when you're way out in front, you can't see anything ahead because the edge is right in front of you. Makes it pretty difficult to stay in front.

Coestar wins this one as well. Smashing debut!

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