Wednesday 4 November 2015

SpinTires #40


We join Lumberjack Kurt on the highway with a trailer full of logs at night. He talks about the truck that's still stuck in the river. He hasn't forgotten about it at least!

Part of the trail takes place off-road so he approaches that nervously but it's not too bad or muddy. He manages to make his delivery at a place with a little shelter.

As he drives away he talks about doing the rescue of the submerged truck. He pulls into a garage and switches to the capable looking truck and plans out the big rescue mission while the sun rises.

He reaches the riverbank just outside the abandoned apartment complex and crosses to the island. He talks about how he'd like an update to the game that has saving in the online multi-player mode.

He crosses downstream to another island and the water here flows pretty high. He pulls through easily though. However, after another crossing attempt he gets stuck with this truck as well! D'oh! Aw... such a shame and it was the strongest looking truck too. :/

He switches all the way back to the blue truck to drive it back to the garage. The path back is dry but is a bit tough and rocky for this truck to traverse. He comes to the very muddy road and crosses it instead of driving along. It doesn't look like this blue truck can take much at all... it even has trouble driving through very small shrubs.

Passing by the old outhouse from a number of episodes ago, Kurt remembers it and calls out "Still in there?" jokingly :)

Much struggling ensues as Kurt tries to detour around the bad muddy road. It takes long into the evening and the sun sets. The garage is in sight now! Just the massive patch of mud to get through. The video fades out as he bravely starts driving through it all.

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