Thursday 5 November 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #18


Once again we join Kurt the Flash, Millbee, MCGamer and AvidyaZEN as they go racing in the Factory for the first stage. More Xenoblade quotes from MC and at one stage Millbee loses track of his jump key so everyone has to wait. Some cool idle animations on display here including Kurt's jetpack. The hazard here is the shrinking screen.

Super slo-mo moment from Kurt where he tries to hook on to Millbee but ends up catapulting himself into a wall of spikes. Yowch!

The second stage is in the library and every item is hooks.

The third stage is in the theme park and every item is hooks again. Nice stage here with the funfair and starry sky in the background. Some super cool long grapple hooking happens in this stage between them!

The fourth stage is on the SS Royale and every item is hooks. Like Kurt declares, it's the SpeedHookers episode!

Once again, he kicks serious butt!

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