Monday 2 November 2015

MindCrack Server: Beef's Bentley - Weekly Livestream part 2 of 4


On we go into the second half hour with Kurt as he continues caving, finding lots of gold. He talks a little about Forza and when he might start putting out videos for it.

"What is the plan for the stream?" someone from the chat asks. Kurt replies how there's never any plan for the streams! At this stage as I watch I'm not sure why it's titled "Beef's Bentley". It's just caving for now since he hasn't done a lot of it lately. He's also trying to be self-sufficient.

He finds someone else's tunnel so they may have cleared the area out of resources already. AnderZEL logs off and back on again. Kurt resorts to straight up digging to find that last bit of diamond he's seeking but only finds iron so he goes back to exploring caves.

Consulting the chat they say he missed some diamond. "Stop messing with my head!" he responds. Must be fun in the livestream chat :)

At some point above Kurt finds an abandoned mine shaft and explores it, taking some rail tracks and even more iron. Bit of comic relief as he says "See you next Fall!" to a zombie he knocks off a cliff.

Still ascending, Kurt appears at the surface in a swamp somewhere and MCGamer joins the server. Kurt greets him with a spike reference to their SpeedRunners playthrough.

He finds an entrance to someone's underground farm and on exploring it a little he's trying to figure out what the heck it is. A pumpkin farm perhaps? He quickly exits before he accidentally messes something up.

Walking further and it now being night, he comes across civilization and AnderZEL, with whom he engages in a bit of surprise mischief. AnderZ is just standing in a field when Kurt comes up behind with the Jaws theme and starts placing cobblestone blocks in front of him. AnderZ turns with a start and gives Kurt a punch! Pretty funny moment :)

Towards the end of this half hour Kurt goes back to the ender chest and collects his stuff. He also demolishes the little footbridge he used to transport the pigs in the last livestream.

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