Friday 6 November 2015

Minecraft BINGO - Blind Seed Challenge 26845


This time Kurt's bingo card has a golden apple and a TNT mine cart on it so he thinks around some of these rarer things.

He drops to begin and quickly gathers basic resources. It doesn't take too long before he crosses the glass bottle and sign off the card. He finds some squid and crosses ink off as well while cooking a bunch of stuff.

He finds some cool landform and makes a neat gravel fall happen. He also crosses flint off his card. Soon afterwards he goes caving.

After digging some more iron he hears a cow above and quickly makes his way back up to grab a bucket of milk, gets some gunpowder from a creeper and a brown mushroom nearby. He clears three more items off his card this way.

Back underground he crafts a cauldron and some railway tracks to mark them off the card too.

Planning to make a compass, he explores further, finding an abandoned mine shaft and continues to search for some redstone and spawner dungeons. It's quite dangerous here and he has a few close calls with cave spiders but slips past them.

Finding a skeleton spawner he crosses the bone and saddle items off his card. Only the compass to go for a full line!

Fortunately there's redstone in one of the chests! In a mad rush he makes a second workbench without noticing, smelts some iron and quickly makes his compass for a diagonal bingo!

He managed to complete it in under 20 minutes which is better than what he was expecting!

At the end he reflects on how well the challenge went for him and plans to give himself a gluten-free cookie! The video fades out to him skipping around the room happily.

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