Thursday 26 November 2015

MindCrack UHC 19 E03


Back with Team Formula 1! Nice to have Kurt and VintageBeef together. Their finding of each other in the last episode was pretty exciting to watch. Kurt was only digging, but he was looking for a person instead of diamond, so it was really fascinating.

They discover diamonds and have enough resources to make an enchanting table so they're in business!

They hear PauseUnpause above and go all hushed! Kurt enchants an amazing sword but can't exclaim in awe out loud, so he has to toss it to Beef to show him. This is really fun! :)

Pause eventually goes away, though he could be in the Nether. Kurt and Beef continue and decide to go upwards in their caving and exploring. The dynamic between them is pretty entertaining! Kurt eventually finds a zombie spawner and they salvage what they can from it.

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