Friday 6 November 2015

SpinTires #41


We join Kurt as he successfully drives the old blue truck through the mud puddle and back to the garage for its retirement. It's nighttime and the crickets are chirping.

Kurt switches to a pink truck and puts a trailer on to it. His plan is to go to a different lumber yard. He makes his way there along the highway, the two trucks stuck in the river still on his mind.

This lumber yard is much like the other one from before with a little portable cabin and a street light. Kurt loads up some short logs and plots his way to the delivery point.

Once again he wishes for saving in online multiplayer when he talks about updates to the game. I wonder if any updates happened in the past year since the video came out? Along the way, he stops for fuel.

Before he drops off his delivery, Kurt's phone starts ringing with its Homer Simpson "D'oh!" montage. Don't they know he's working? :)

Now it's rescue time! Kurt plans it out as the sun rises. He goes back to the previous truck with which he delivered the first big load of lumber and puts a utility attachment onto it. Now it's off to go rescue the two trucks stuck in the river. He makes his way to the riverside by the abandoned apartments and crosses to the first island.

Kurt imagines people living in the apartments looking out their windows to see what's going on while living in luxury. Imagine if people actually did live there? I can't stop thinking about these apartments.

Crossing to the next island, Rescuer Kurt positions his truck near the second submerged truck and prepares to save it. It's a long and tense process...

Unfortunately his rescue truck tips over and joins the submerged truck. Aw...

Kurt decides to warp the first truck back to the garage. He drives it out and it gets stuck in a big mud puddle so he has to warp it back again. All he can do is laugh! Taking a detour he gets stuck in some trees and warps the truck back a third time.

The day ends as Kurt puts a different attachment on and drives away. He says he's not gonna look at the comments for the video. The poor guy... At least he got to deliver more lumber successfully.

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