Wednesday 4 November 2015

Minecraft BINGO - Blind Seed Challenge 18734


We join Kurt for another Bingo speed challenge! He reflects on the last one and we learn that the online times from other people who did this challenge are between the 15-20 minute mark. His says he'd be happy if he can manage anywhere within the 20 minute mark.

He pores over the details in his card before setting off. He drops off into a snow biome which is supposed to be tricky for finding resources. Shucks.

He quickly finds the first item, a sapling. Not finding any coal he makes some charcoal so he can explore the zombie infested cave underneath.

Fortunately it's a zombie spawner! Unfortunately he drops right down into it and panics as he has to deal with the massive horde. "How am I not dead? How am I not dead?" he panics as he finishes them off, cutting it very close with his health. He's rewarded with gunpowder and a name tag from the spawner's chests. He now has three of one line filled. One of the remaining spaces in the line involves finding an enderman, so that's gonna be challenging...

He investigates the further gurgling of zombies and at one point a zombie spawns in front of him and he panics again, hitting it with the bingo card, which is pretty funny!

Back up on the surface it's now night and he frantically searches for an enderman. He eventually finds one and has to clear the area of a skeleton and spider before building a little shelter so he can safely take the enderman on. He manages the whole thing beautifully and earns his ender pearl space on the card!

Now for a sheep. He hastily dodges enemies while he searches for one, hoping that he hasn't jinxed sheep into not spawning. Balancing precariously on a ravine edge he spots one. He doesn't fall in thankfully but he makes a joke about it, saying "sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" as he'd drop.

He puts his furnace next to the sheep and quickly tries to smelt iron for shears. When it finishes, he shears the sheep and crafts a painting, filling the line on his bingo card! Horray! He mounts a horse and rides it around victoriously.

His time is 14 minutes and 19 seconds! Very nice time Kurt! He's nice and humble about it though.

He rides around on the horse in the night as he reflects on his challenge. Unfortunately, the horse doesn't come back with him when he teleports back to the lobby.

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