Monday 9 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #412


Current distance from Kurt: 115 episodes. Gaining!

40 seconds pass before Wolfie decides to bark! We join Kurt in the fog as he accidentally pressed the F key in the last episode. It quickly clears though and off we go!

Donator RandomFrenchGuy didn't ask a question but left a generous donation. Nice one!

Today in real life Kurt was awakened by some construction work taking place outside. He describes the various noisy tools and machinery and records this episode in haste before they start again.

He finds a wealthy pink sheep, sings the pink sheep song and shears its woolly abundance. Towards the end of the first day he hunts for some pigs that Wolfie defeats impressively in mid-air!

On to the second day and donator questions!

Donator HiddenWindshield(nice name!) asks about Wolfie and stuttery terrain damage "Do you think it will get bad enough to be an actual threat to Wolfie's life?"

The terrain wiggle will get worse as I saw lately when I saw a recent Far Lands or Bust during a livestream...

The question continues: "If by chance it gets so bad you'll have to leave Wolfie behind at some point? Or will you stack up on pork chops and try to forge ahead regardless?"

Kurt says it'll be an interesting challenge and he talks more about it.

I think he will forge ahead with the accumulating challenge. It's been challenging so far due to cacti and cliffs along the way and it looks like he will.

Donator ScubaSteveDan asks: "Have you ever played the popular Skyblock map for Minecraft?"

Kurt says he hasn't and talks about the challenge maps he's done so far, like the ones he's played with 2Girls1Minecraft.

Another question from him "What do you like better - livestreaming or YouTube?"

He's more comfortable with YouTube for now and he discusses pros and cons of each.

He sees a pig take damage after spawning into a leaf block. This is the kind of challenge facing him ahead with Wolfie. Hope he manages well! On the third day he notices Wolfie took damage when they walked through a forest. I wonder if he's eventually going to try and avoid forests and leaf blocks?

Kurt admires more of the mountainous land generation before going into another question.

Donator Apaulon(sp?) from Hamburg asks: "I often notice how most of you MindCrackers successfully try to account for possible reactions from your viewers. It's amazing that all of you seem to talk seemingly quite free while you know that there are thousands of people out there. Are you afraid of saying something dumb or wrong? How do you account for that? Has YouTube made you more careful and reflective about your wording?"

Kurt talks about this, comparing livestreaming and pre-recording with regards to it. He also talks about family friendly non-sweary delivery and compares it to how it may or may not be how you naturally are, giving an example of another MindCracker. It's an interesting answer.

I said it before but I'd like to keep things family friendly with my content here as well.

After answering this question, Kurt comes across a cool formation out of bare solid rock, calling it a basin. It does actually look like the result of some glacial activity! Pretty cool and dramatic looking :)

Kurt decides to hang out here and makes some TNT to make up for the lack of it in the last celebratory episode. He climbs up to the top of the basin and sets it off. He also places the 4 pink wool he sheared earlier.

Getting dark now! Kurt quickly dives into a hidey hole that the game pre-made; he only has to put a roof on it. It's quite luxurious otherwise with its smooth stone interior! He has a bit of fun when he forgot the workbench outside and tries to get Wolfie to join him. After some funny awkwardness, Kurt just leaves him outside as usual and takes his workbench inside.

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