Wednesday 4 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #409


Current distance from Kurt: 117 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt and Wolfie as the episode opens with a dancing flaming skeleton outside in the sunlight. This area has some cool high cliffs.

There's some space news! The MAVEN space craft goes into Martian orbit as well as India's MOM. Kurt talks about these while feeding poor Wolfie, who missed the water after a cliff dive. There's lots more space news so tune in! The rest of the first day is spent with cool space talk.

The first elevated hidey hole is built near some more cool cliffs and epic waterfalls, where Kurt takes a screenshot.

Now on to the second day for donator questions!

Patron Ewan asks "Why the Xbox One?" and if Kurt was getting a PlayStation 4 as well.

Kurt wanted to take advantage of a deal at the time where you buy an Xbox One and get Forza and other goodies for free. He talks more about his console recording plans long into the evening of the second day.

As for me I'm sticking with the Wii U.

Now for another good question from a Patreon donator.

Patron Ken asks "Is it difficult mentally switching back and forth between different versions of Minecraft that you regularly play?"

He says it can be and it can be tricky to keep up with the new updates, going into detail. As for me, it's through Kurt's videos that I normally enjoy Minecraft so his discoveries end up being my discoveries too. When he forgets to sprint for example, it doesn't bother me at all because I forget about the sprinting too!

Donator Josh from Scotland asks "Do you like comic strips like Calvin & Hobbes or the Peanuts series?"

He says he was a huge fan of Calvin & Hobbes and that he had and still has the big book collections.

While answering this question we hear a zombie nearby burning in the sunlight.

He used to read this strip when it came out in the newspaper as well as other strips and cartoons. As for me, I'm a huge Calvin and Hobbes fan as well and just like Kurt I got nearly all the collections starting with "There's Treasure Everywhere". That's one big thing we have in common anyway. :)

Then again, who wouldn't like Calvin & Hobbes or The Simpsons?

Donator Kirk asks "What exo-solar object do you view the most through a telescope?"

Kurt ponders as he sails across some water. He mentions a few nebulae but for him it's mostly about tracking something down and then on to tracking down the next thing. He talks about this until the end of the final day.

He digs out the hidey hole at the bottom of some naturally formed stairs which looks quite curious and wonders if he'll be surprised by it when he records the next episode. Before ending the episode he mentions the update to the overhead map on the Far Lands or Bust website.

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