Tuesday 10 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #414

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kph3osA4TY

Current distance from Kurt: 113 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt begins the morning thanking all the fans for the support and understanding about how busy he's gonna be over the coming month (of October 2014). Far Landers are the best :)

The noise of the real life road works construction machines outside continues and Kurt worries about the recording but it doesn't sound too intrusive at all to me.

There's not much space news apart from it being the 10th anniversary of Virgin Galactic's first venture.

Now for donator questions!

Patron Jason asks "Do you believe Microsoft would attempt to stop YouTubers from making revenue from ads displayed in Minecraft videos? Also how would this affect other popular Minecraft related channels?"

While answering this question Kurt breaks the side of a hilltop lake and watches it flow all the way down before riding it down himself. Whee!

Kurt says he doesn't think so and discusses all sides of the situation and other elements at play.

After answering the question, Kurt spots an overhanging stalactite! Pretty neat! He takes a screenshot of it along with Wolfie. After this he turns in for the second night on top of a dangerous looking hill.

In the morning Kurt explores a cool looking canyon nearby. He descends using water and feeds Wolfie afterwards when he comes down less carefully. It's a really cool canyon to explore and is full of wonder but has no exit so Kurt has to make one and ascend once more.

Dedicated Donator Alzeroth asks "In Far Lands or Bust! you walk and explore the endless world of Minecraft. If you could freely walk and explore any fictional world besides Minecraft, what would it be and why?"

Kurt thinks hard about it but says he'd love to explore the real world and universe and goes into detail.

As for me I'm not sure. I love the worlds in Nintendo games so it's kind of a given that I'd like to explore worlds from Super Mario Bros. 3 or Koholint Island. Lots of other video games have amazing worlds in them too.

Second question: "You mentioned that many people have tried and failed to follow in Far Lands or Bust's footsteps. What do you think cause people to give up in their journeys?"

You know, this kind of hits home for me! If you like, I'm making a Far Lands journey of my own in trying to catch up with Kurt! I also worry if my commentary has the potential to infringe on what Kurt's doing, which is why I worry about trying to say things in my own words and if I'm almost transcribing what's happening. Hmm... I guess I'm still developing things.

Kurt has a good answer for this question but you'll have to watch the video! Go on! I post the questions here so that I can answer them from my own perspective when applicable! (and of course because these are Kurt's donator questions so they deserve to be glorified in bold)

Also, this challenge I'm setting for myself is going well so far but it is challenging! I hope I can continue to do this catch up!

Last question: "Other than The Simpsons, do you have any other favourite TV shows or cartoons from your childhood?"

Kurt mentions Tiny Toons and Animaniacs. Two of my childhood favourites too. I'm only a couple of years younger than Kurt is, so it's kind of the same stuff we watched I'd imagine. At least from the American side anyway.

As Kurt digs out the final hidey hole of the day, he invites not only the viewers to donate to Child's Play Charity, but the construction workers outside too! Woo! C'mon everybody!

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