Sunday 1 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #407


Current distance from Kurt: 118 episodes. No change!

Kurt begins his day by shearing some sheep and continuing on his journey.

He decides to answer a frequently asked question in video comments. Elias asks: "Why do you like, wiggle when you walk?" to which Kurt laughs and explains how it's from being so far away from spawn. As he answers the question he witnesses a disaster scene with trees on fire from nearby lava.

He also passes by some awesome natural looking rolling hills and mountains, which is something that isn't seen too often in later versions of Minecraft. He takes a nice screenshot panorama and moves along, declaring one of the mountains "Wiggle Mountain". He's pretty tickled by that question!

He talks about a rocket launch going on its way to the International Space Station while admiring more landforms. It's notable for being the first time a 3D printer is being sent up there.

Being Fan Friday, he goes into some donator questions from his Patreon!

Patron Zach asks "How is your beard growing?"

People at the last Minecon must've noticed it and it's grown longer since then. I only noticed his beard myself for the first time on one of his KurtIndeed vlogs. He says he might as well have a go at growing a beard and try it out.

When it comes to me and beards I don't really plan much with them. I do shave before things go too out of control though.

The second question is "How did you meet Mr. Gavin Free?"

Kurt got his channel signal boosted in the early days of Far Lands or Bust! by the Slow Mo Guys and it led to them becoming acquainted.

Patron Cataratic(sp)? asks "What kind of coffee are you drinking?"

At the moment it's Intelligentsia but he's been trying others too. The answer goes over my head, not being a coffee drinker myself!

They also ask "Are you interested in trying coffee from other places?"

He says he's not sure of other ones but he prefers the local brew.

He turns in for the night and feeds Wolfie some "Xbones"

Going off in a boat he makes a dramatic iceberg announcement when he sees some ice floating in the water.

Patron JS asks "Do you like your coffee black or do you prefer some kind of frappu mochaccino fancy Starbucks latte style coffee with whipped cream and the syrup from time to time and the jello pudding pops?"

I don't know if this was the actual question but it was pretty funny hearing Kurt read it out! He answers that he likes it black with a little bit of sugar. He'll brave a bit of cream if it's hotel coffee just to smooth it out a bit.

While answering the question he says hi to a creeper he sees coming out of a deep dark cave and passes right on to talk more about coffee.

Patron Kieran asks "Have you considered making educational videos about astronomy and science?"

He has and he actually did some on YouTube but hasn't done it in a while. He shares more thoughts about it.

Whatever doubts he has on his expertise, I think he's an excellent presenter and I quite enjoyed those astronomy videos using those solar system simulators.

Second question is "Has your necessity for gluten-free food come of any new discoveries?"

He says not really as it's mostly a matter of substitution. He did try gluten-free pizza lately though and it was magnificent. :)

Patron Graden(sp?) asks "What is the single most amazing thing you've learned about space?"

There are so many amazing things but today he learned about the surface of Jupiter's clouds having waves.

As for me I think it's just the mystery mostly and the way orbits work and how everything's so so far away.

Soon afterwards he turns in for the night after repairing some accidental holes made in his latest hidey hole.

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