Tuesday 17 November 2015

Minecraft BINGO - Blind Seed Challenge 40,004

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8V6TGv5L4c

Today Kurt does a seed challenge that is just one less than the other seed. I wonder if that's significant in any way?

He's gonna aim for the middle vertical row on his card with the flint, sign, cauldron, sapling and fermented spider eye(he's now an expert in making these!).

The flint, sign and sapling he finds easily enough in a cove area but has to do a bit of searching for cauldron iron. Some more time is taken trying to find a spider for its eye but he eventually finds one as it turns night.

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!

It was a speedy challenge for Kurt: 11 minutes and 15 seconds he took, which is his best yet!

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