Monday 30 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #427


Current distance from Kurt: 108 episodes. Gaining!

Wolfie begins the episode by attempting to use a diving board naturally made from soil instead of using a safe route and misses the little pool underneath. Kurt feeds him the last of his food. Luckily, he finds more pigs soon afterwards.

For the first day, Kurt talks about how weird he feels when he misses updating with more videos and how much better he feels when he records again. I know how he feels when it comes to missing stuff as routine and I've come to know how it feels missing to update my blog! It also feels good to go writing and updating again though!

On the second day it's time for more donator questions!

Patron AxlRosie asks "Did you put any more thought into the puppy project?"

Kurt talks about the project up until this point and gives an update too.

Donator Liz asks if Kurt's been keeping up with the latest Dr. Who. He says he hasn't.

Donator HerrBucket asks "Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?". He never tried to. I haven't either.

Donator Joe asks "How do you feel about Pluto being demoted as a dwarf planet?". He thinks it was the right decision and talks more about it.

A Patron asks "Are you planning on watching any livestream?" He says he might watch something about the Pluto flyby and talks more about it.

Donator Hermani(sp?) asks "What is the longest time you've gone without sleep and what was the reason for it? How does sleep deprivation affect you in general?"

He says he's pulled all-nighters doing art projects and astronomy meets and talks about the Minecon Paris trip too where he didn't sleep on the plane. I agree with him in saying they're no fun. I've done a few of them myself and they're no fun at all.

Donator Ethnicolour(sp?) asks "All of electric cars would you sacrifice speed, range, performance and pay more out of pocket to take home an electric car versus internal combustion engine?"

Kurt says he'd consider an electric car when they become more affordable and talks more about it and Tesla cars.

Donator EMC73 asks "Have you ever done or thought about doing extreme sports?"

He says the closest he's done is ziplining but maybe he could do white water rafting or river kayaking. As for me, I haven't and wouldn't!

Towards the end of the episode, Kurt spots a neat looking lava waterfall and builds his hidey hole nearby. There's a spooky skeleton outside but he sleeps soundly :)

He felt he had a bit of a scratchy voice issue this episode, but he managed well I thought!

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