Tuesday 3 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #408

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO3DoI4RNyI

Current distance from Kurt: 117 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt and Wolfie as they wake to the bleating of a nearby sheep and on they go!

Donator GreatScottLP asks "Have you ever wanted to travel to a particular place, but have not been able to yet? Where is it and why haven't you been able to go yet?"

He mentions a couple of places and a couple of crazy places like Antarctica and talks about strange landscapes in detail to explore.

As for me I'm not actually sure where I'd like to go.

He talks about how he arranged the Far Lands or Bust HQ to make room for the Xbox One he got recently. At the end of the first day he takes a screenshot of some cool landforms and a burning tree.

Next it's space news where he talks about the launch of the SpaceX Dragon capsule and its arrival at the International Space Station with its on-board 3D printer. It's also carrying 20 live mice. There's a lot more space news so tune in!

Donator Mark from Germany asks "Does it ever feel weird when you think of how much money you've raised or how many people watch your videos?"

He turns in for the second night as he answers that the charity aspect gives him a warm feeling. :) afterwards he talks about what it's like to record a video compared to livestreaming or meeting people at conventions.

I think it's a pretty cool thing! :)

Second question: "Besides a new car, what's on your wishlist?"

He talks about building a new computer. While answering he sees an epic waterfall that doesn't quite reach the bottom so he gives it a hand. There's also a trek through a desert where he chops away cacti for Wolfie safety. He also needs a new suit because he lost some weight.

Patron ConeDodger asks "When you do get your vlog channel up and running, will you be trying some of your interests in real life such as amateur rocketry and/or motorsports?"

He might and he's keeping things open-ended. Maybe if he finds some kind of motor club.

One year later and he has a nice little vlog channel going called KurtIndeed with about five videos up.

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