Monday 30 November 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #32


We join Kurt, Coestar, MCGamer and Millbee once again!

First is SpeedHookers at the Silo stage. They make many jokes about sponsorship pitches. Weird glitch moment too where MC skips the loop and gets ahead. Coe wins this one.

Second is SpeedHookers at the Nightclub stage. Millbee wins this one. Lots of funny dialogue from him and MC too! What's the crocodile wrestling thing all about? Some kind of reference?

Third is vanilla at the Library stage. Kurt announces the library is open. I like the idea of him being a door announcer :) Some weird glitchiness happens with hooks. It comes down to the wire with everyone having 2/3 points each! Who wins? Watch to find out!

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