Wednesday 18 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #419


Current distance from Kurt: 111 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt for an episode that'll be shorter and it's going to be the last one before all the crazy secret happenings that'll put this series on hiatus for a while. That means it'll be a few days until I cover another Far Lands or Bust! episode. There will be other ones to blog about in the meantime though.

Kurt spends this episode giving an introduction to this series for newcomers. I know I'm a seasoned Far Lander but I don't mind. Kurt often does re-introductions for the sake of newcomers and since there are over 400 episodes at this stage, it's only the right thing to do! Even if I wanted to complain about it, I really shouldn't! Besides, recaps are enjoyable!

Be sure to watch this episode though. It's unmissable! Kurt finds a skeleton spawner and a very dangerous one at that. Watch and see how he handles the savage skeletons and how he manages Wolfie's safety at the same time. It's very exciting!

He ends up making the spawner room his hidey hole and prepares it for sleeping. He invites Wolfie in again and talks to us more.

Even though I'm watching this archived I still have that sad feeling of a long goodbye from Kurt's voice. It's kind of silly because I can just jump into the next episode straight away but that feeling is still there. The end slate of the episode is different too and we get a nice warm sentiment.

I wanna jump to the next one! Gotta tough it out with my own commitment to blogging on Kurt's other videos though! :)

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