Thursday 5 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #410


Current distance from Kurt: 116 episodes. Gaining!

We join Kurt as he wakes in surprise to the wall and stairs outside his hidey hole door. He wonders if it was good idea after all since he could've been greeted by a creeper rather than a spider. Lucky it was a spider too because they wouldn't be able to fit in that one space wide stairwell.

He grabs Wolfie and onward to the Far Lands!

After crossing some water and chopping and replanting a tree, he goes into space news, talking about the successful Soyuz launch and docking with the International Space Station, though it had some tricky solar panel workings along the way. More talk includes the Dragon capsule and the Philae lander that accompanied the Rosetta spacecraft due for the comet 67P. A landing date is revealed at this stage. Must look that up later.

Towards the end of the first day, a zombie wanders out from under a tree, slowly shuffling after our favourite wayfarer across a snowy field before burning up and leaving a feather behind. Yep, those were the days! Not sure why zombies dropped feathers in the earlier versions.

On the second morning he says good morning to a happy snow spider and moves on to answer donator questions!

Donator GamesPlusJames(formerly IrishLantern and early recommendation of Kurt) asks "Is there any video series that you would like to go back and play more of?"

Kurt mentions Borderlands 2 as he liked playing it with the others and the fun group dynamic involved and wishes they could've finished it. Another example he gives is The Hunter.

We hear Kurt's ringtone which is a collection of Homer going "D'oh!". Not a bad choice! As for me I'm not too big into phone ringing sounds. They just have a job to do in my opinion. I've no interest in Borderlands either.

Kurt mentions other games too like the racing game he played with his dad. They both had computers linked to each other and racing wheels especially! That's an awesome thing!

It's nice that Kurt makes time for GamesPlusJames/IrishLantern now too. I guess he is to Kurt the same as what Kurt is to me. :)

Patron Anthony asks "Are you a fan of root beer? If so, what brand is your favourite?"

In the middle of answering this question, Kurt turns in for the second night. He was a fan but he gave up the fizzy drinks. Before he used to enjoy root beer floats.

Another interruption to the question answering happens. Kurt witnesses a pack of wolves hunt down some sheep. Kurt swoops in and snaps up the woolly residue!

Kurt's favourite brand is the root beer he used to drink at a chain restaurant called Rock Bottom.

As for me I don't drink beer or alcohol of any kind but I do like the occasional Coca Cola or Club Rock Shandy.

Donator Brian asks "Is it possible for a Minecraft update to kill the Far Lands for good, such as removing the ability to play the older versions? If so, is there a way to back up an offline copy of beta 1.7.3 for use in this series?"

Kurt says yes and goes into a detailed explanation about launchers and older versions of the game. He has stuff like that well backed up just in case.

Donator Faen suggests "When the diamond sword expires, you should make a golden sword. Gold is easy to mine and it would be a nice item to have in view while walking. It would be unique to Far Lands or Bust! Just like the first sword, the Diamond Sword of Spawnpointiness, making a second era of sword carryingness. The diamonds that you have should become boots for walking the long road ahead of us!"

Kurt takes this into serious consideration. it's not a bad idea.

Their question is "Do you ever get any risqué or innapropriate questions?"

Kurt says how his donators don't really ask questions like that and that he likes to keep things family friendly.

I think that's a good goal for me too, running a Far Lands or Bust! fan blog and keeping it family friendly for my audience.

Before Kurt turns in for the final night, he feeds Wolfie and talks about an upcoming MindCrack livestream.

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