Friday 13 November 2015

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #23


Today Coestar joins us again with Kurt, MC and Avidya.

In the first round Avidya unfortunately disconnects but is still there in voice. He's able to join again soon afterwards though. Coestar does a pretty good Macho Man Randy Savage impression! Not big into wrestling myself but that voice is very iconic and I often hear the Game Grumps do impressions of it. MCGamer wins this one! Well done!

Next is the power plant stage with super speed runners. They all panic as this one is chosen on the fortune wheel. It makes things very interesting for us as it shows us what it'll be like with the more level playing field. Poor Kurt does badly on this one. At one point the laser stuns them all at the same time and they're struggling to get their characters to snap out of it.

Next is the theme park flipped horizontally. Kurt has a really tough time shaking the others off as they're really good at keeping on his tail. MCGamer wins this one too.

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