Sunday 22 November 2015

Far Lands or Bust! #421


Current distance from Kurt: 111 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt and Wolfie begin their regular 3 day episode. They're settling back into routine nicely! Hope Kurt's voice holds up!

Shortly after leaving the hidey hole Kurt sees a cool overhanging cliff and momentarily thinks he's lost Wolfie but he was just stuck behind a dirt block. Welcome back Kurt! :)

He tells us a highly eventful laptop story. Together with all the moving stress he went through, it doesn't sound like a fun time!

Donator Kaveman asks "Have you seen Interstellar?"

Kurt says he did and enjoyed it. He then expands on his opinion. As for me, I saw it and absolutely hated it. It was far too long, bleak and depressing. I hear The Martian, which came out this year, was a lot better. Wish I had seen that instead!

While admiring a mountain, Kurt slips into a hole! Luckily it wasn't too deep!

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