Monday 2 November 2015

MindCrack Server: Beef's Bentley - Weekly Livestream part 3 of 4


"Will you be making MindCrack videos on YouTube?" someone from the chat asks. Kurt replies with his current plans of producing his MindCrack server footage as livestreams for the moment and subsequently uploading them to YouTube. It works fine for me as this is how the videos reach me. :)

Now for the third half hour. Kurt begins this by attacking a skeleton and stealing its leather pants. Nice way to begin! After this he heads back to his little base by the barn and breaks the sign before entering.

He puts on stuff for cooking and takes a stretch. This is a different blog post for me but Kurt's been streaming for the past hour and his back is at him again. Hopefully he'll be alright. He says his racing wheel aggravates it so he's taking a break from his GRID series for a while. It's a pity as he finds using a racing wheel controller more fun than using a standard controller.

He leaves his little base to "inwestigate" the Western Town. Along the way he has a brainwave for a building project and now we come across the inspiration for the livestream's title! Since VintageBeef is away from the server and touring around Europe in a Bentley convertible, Kurt decides to build a Bentley replica outside outside his place. He runs off and considers all the stuff he's gonna need to build it, heading back to his little base.

Kurt runs around to get sand for glass. He then goes to Aurelian's place to get some black wool for the black colour of the Bentley he's gonna build. Lots of bleating from the sheep as Kurt waits for the black ones to grow their wool back after shearing. After about 20 blocks of wool he leaves.

He meets MCGamer's character who gives Kurt lots of fish. Kurt asks about glowstone. At this stage Millbee is on the server too and chats with them.

After a nice chat they part and Kurt goes off back to the ender chest to use redstone to make redstone blocks for the Bentley's tail lights and gold blocks for its headlights.

Towards the end of the third half hour Kurt heads to Beef's place and starts preparing to build the Bentley replica.

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