Tuesday 3 November 2015

MindCrack Server: Beef's Bentley - Weekly Livestream part 4 of 4

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPH1K7QkxpI

The final half hour of this livestream. Kurt borrows some coal from VintageBeef to make coal block wheels for the nice Bentley replica he's building for him.

He starts his build and has great fun with it. It's pretty fun seeing him trying to figure it out so it's worth watching.

After a while he goes off to look for leather but can't get much from the cows he finds. Poor MCGamer gets blown up by a creeper in the meantime. Kurt nearly does too near BDoubleO's place.

He eventually comes to another cow farm and breeds the cows so that the herd isn't too diminished from his leather finding exploits. He gets a repopulation achievement in the chat announcements and the other guys have a laugh with it, Millbee saying "Kurt's getting naughty!"

Kurt heads back to the Bentley replica and upon looking at at again and laughing, notes how it looks more like a tank than a sports car! He prepares the headlights, tail lights and wheels. He uses a ladder for the grille and puts on signs for the nameplates that read: "BENTLEY #TEAMBEEF" on the front and back. He puts little wood buttons on for door handles. Using wooden stairs and a lever, he makes seats and a gear stick. It's a weird but cute little thing :)

He finishes up with a screenshot of the Bentley replica in front of Beef's place.

At the end of the stream he goes back to repair the creeper blast near BDoubleO's place and finishes the video with a farewell and a dizzying spin before doing a brief comical barfing sound.

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