Sunday 31 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #468


Current distance from Kurt: 88 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he hears zombie footsteps, but they seem to be away underground. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Kurt shares a weird dream he had about being back in high school. I've had those kinds of dreams before too. Nothing really happened in them except thinking about homework and whatever else.

Now for donor questions! Names in big until donation goal is met!

Donor Anonymous asks "What is your favourite dinosaur?".

Kurt says it's the t-rex or ankylosaurus. He talks about the dinosaur craze of the mid-90s. I remember that craze too :) Dublin Zoo had animatronic dinosaurs!

Donor YahWeasel asks "Comic Sans: Bad from the day it was designed, or chronically misused so that it became a parody of itself? What are your favourite fonts and font advice for the aesthetically impaired?"

Kurt remembers being corrected on the term "font" and that it's actually "typeface". He says Comic Sans was just a default font that was all over the place at one point. He shares a fun story from his web design days! He also talks about various fonts he's used and what he likes.

Donor Ref asks "Have you ever been to a roller derby match? They're quite exciting!"

Kurt says he's never been.

Donor Paul R. asks "You mentioned you can now have a grill. If so, what will you grill first? Steak? Ribs? mmmmm... riiiibs *Homer Simpson drool*"

Kurt says he's done so already! The first thing he grilled was a thanksgiving turkey breast. Ew :( I prefer Paul's suggestions! He mentions a couple of other foods. Chicken breast too (ew again) but no burgers! What gives, Kurt! At least he did some steaks. As for me, I don't like chicken or turkey meat at all.

Donor James asks "Have you ever thought about doing a livestream fundraiser where you walk a minute for every dollar donated? I believe it would be a good way for the donations to pick up!"

Kurt talks about thinking of ways to keep things interesting and says this is an interesting idea.

Donor Anonymous asks "What is the most interesting conversation you ever had?"

Kurt has trouble coming up with something. For the most interesting, I suppose it wouldn't come to you straight away.

Kurt takes a screenshot of a cool looking natural arch.

Donor Shook50(sp?) asks "Since you raised money for Child's Play charity, have you ever seen the Child's Play movies?"

Kurt has seen bits of them but he's not that big into horror movies. Nice play on words though!

(2/2) FLoB 4-Year Livestream Part 1


Kurt tries sleeping without a door in the hidey hole near the 292202 monument and gets a rude awakening from a skeleton! It's a good thing he continues to keep it covered in the main series!

He loads up the Combat Canyon for the first time in a long long time and it lives up to its name! Mobs spawn all over the place and he nearly doesn't make it home to his base! He's not going to come back to this regularly, but he gives some interesting history about this world.

Some weird connection thing happens and so, the livestreaming has to continue the next day.

He gets in trouble near the nether portal and flees, finding an old house he built. He didn't remember it! I don't remember the house either but I do remember when he built the nether portal. He was doing it all efficient like and I think he had help, or learned how to do it from someone. It was an alternative to mining obsidian. He could just generate it instead of mining it.

He then discovers a stairwell he made but forgot about. He feels the game is so similar and yet so different to the way it is now. He can't quite put his finger on how it is though. He gets an intense feeling of déjà vu. I'm not getting this feeling... I don't remember this stairwell at all...

He heads back to the base and ends this part of the livestream.

(1/2) FLoB 4-Year Livestream Part 1


Kurt welcomes us, not to FLoBathon, but to a livestream special celebrating the 4 year anniversary of this long running series. No beard cam here unfortunately. It's a Twitch exclusive this time.

He jumps into the Canyon of Woah save. Wolfie's here too. Afterwards, he looks at the 292202 save. He says he left Easter Eggs in the world saves he released to everyone. He shows the hidden Wolfie one under some pumpkins!

Saturday 30 January 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #49


Kurt, Avidya, Millbee and MCGamer SpeedRun some more!

First is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Zoo stage. Millbee sweeps a victory.

Second is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Library stage. Kurt and Avidya get destroyed at one stage when they both get turned into blocks of ice and fall down a hole. Devastating!

Third is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Nightclub stage. Kurt wins this :)

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 11


Dr Brian Lorgon111 welcomes us back in a muddled and funny way! Kurt and him reset their spawn by the pyramid in preparation to investigate.

They break a few spawners and find a big long ladder that goes up over the clouds. There's a bridge and some platforms up here. They wave to each other from different high points. Nice sense of adventure here. :)

Kurt shares a couple of pictures he took of that time he went on top of the pyramid at Chichen Itza(the real life one) and looked down through The Rusty Gate. It looks pretty eerie!

They get messages from Magmus, the boss in this area when they enter deep into the pyramid. A big magma cube is here, so they have fun fighting this boss that splits into smaller ones. They head back out via a teleport button. Kurt excavates some graves here first and finds beds underneath. Strange!

They find an underground network of tunnels with treasures and baby zombie villager spawners. When they come back up, they're put on high alert by two creepers that welcome them!

Afterwards, Brian asks Kurt about his trip to Chichen Itza and he talks about it for a while. It sounds pretty cool.

They find a cool spot with skeleton heads, representing something else at the real Chichen Itza. They go in and collect them. There are also other mob heads here. Pretty cool lookin' place. The real world equivalent looks pretty neat too.

(2/2) MindCrack Server: Quit While Ahead - Livestream Archive


After sneezing, Kurt comes up with a concept for an action movie about a guy with hay fever. Sounds pretty funny :)

He continues caving. He makes a reference to the Tiny Toons movie "How I Spent My Vacation" with the quote "The audience is now deaf". OMG that's one of my all time favourite movies! I still have the VHS tape because there hasn't been a DVD release over here.

Kurt has a bit of trouble with his feverish nose and apologises for it. With livestreaming, there's no editing, so it's kinda tough going! He can't even do the snoring noises with it.

He talks about Top Gear for a while and finds a Sphinx like natural formation of gravel. Kinda cool!

He finds some red sheep, of all colours. Pretty unusual.

Towards the end of the video, he fights a load of mobs outside in the daytime on a mountain waterfall.

Friday 29 January 2016

(1/2) MindCrack Server: Quit While Ahead - Livestream Archive


Kurt goes caving. It looks dangerous, so he says he'll be leaving, but he continues! What is it about caves that pull you in, even if you don't particularly want to be pulled in?

He comes across a big cluster of mobs and says they should drop what they're holding when they're defeated. I agree with him. They totally should!

I like the part where he says "they're in my hair!" when he takes on a spider spawner. That was pretty funny :)

PauseUnpause joins the server. He's another rare visitor whereas Kurt is Medium-Rare. Might as well say it now: I prefer my steak to be well done and tender.

Kurt finds two blocks of diamond between two lava falls. He blocks the falls off successfully before collecting the diamond.

(2/2) MindCrack Server: ABBA Leftovers - Livestream archive


The server is quiet today. Kurt's the only one online and walking around the abandoned mine shaft. he finds what looks like a mob bathhouse or something. A bunch of them are gathered here, splashing around in the water.

Mhykol comes online for a while. Kurt just continues to explore all the weirdness he sees on the server.

Towards the end, he talks about the time the server was down because of a hurricane. He suggested having the in-game ocean water level to be raised a few blocks to reflect real world conditions. It's a clever idea :)

(1/2) MindCrack Server: ABBA Leftovers - Livestream archive


Kurt returns to the MindCrack server! He picks up from where he left off at Guude's place. He explores it for a while.

Then he explores the countryside, thinking about what to do and finds the big pit someone else discovered earlier. A new dark and mystical pit of bottomless destiny :)

He explores the cave to find what was left over from a previous excavation. With his livestream viewers, he talks about his Castaway series. It was a fun series! The random discovery of the stronghold was amazing!

He explores an abandoned mineshaft. He crafts an iron pickaxe before finding a couple of more of them in a chest! That's the luck of the draw!

While exploring more, Kurt talks about finding black widow spiders in his new place. Sounds unnerving...

He finds lots of iron here and smelts what he finds.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #467


Current distance from Kurt: 88 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt welcomes us to April! Instead of doing the April Fools thing, he thinks about doing taxes. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Kurt gives a shout out to the Minecraft Bingo Crew for their recent fundraising event for Child's Play charity!

Donor question time! Names in big font until donation goal is achieved!

Very Generous Donor Dan H asks "NASA lets you choose one item to take on a one way trip to Mars. Ignoring any size or weight problems, what would you choose?"

Kurt struggles to come up with an answer and eventually considers an optical telescope, so he can observe Earth from there!

Donor DravereSilvaneus asks "Do you actually pick your nose when nobody watches?"

Kurt says he doesn't generally. A guy would be self conscious if he was on face cam though!

After the question, Kurt skillfully dodges a creeper and the most troublesome of all enemies, his anti-virus notifications! Woooo!

Donor XavierPenguin asks "Now that you have Eva, do you think you will say "Woof!" every time she happens to bark?"

Kurt hasn't actually heard her bark yet.

"Have you talked to Eva in the way you've talked to Wolfie?"

He says not really as he doesn't commentate real life.

"Do you think that by having Wolfie as your digital dog in Far Lands or Bust! has helped you be prepared and ready for adopting Eva?"

He doesn't think so at all :) He talks about suggestions of calling her Wolfie instead of Eva. He wasn't too into that either! I agree with him. Imagine if she'd get all mixed up when he'd be scolding the in-game Wolfie! Sounds kinda crazy.

Donor Manfred4 asks "Have you ever been into the computer sciences beyond the floating point precision errors you've encountered because of your journey?" and says that by his calculations, Kurt should be hitting a wall soon, where the decimal point shifts and we see the jittering of the world double in size and getting worse. "Do you think you can handle that for the rest of your series?"

Kurt recalls the switch in jitteriness the first time and discusses this further. He also never really took programming classes beyond web design.

Donor Anonymous asks "If you could have any superpower with no consequences instantly given to you, what would it be?"

Kurt says it would probably be flight instead of stuff like invisibility, laser eyes or super strength. I think I would choose that too! Or maybe a super jump.

Donor Nick Claus asks "What is the biggest zoo animal you could beat in a fight if it came down to it?"

Kurt actually weighs up the various options! It's a fun discussion, not that it's something he wants to do! :)

Donor Anonymous asks "Would you consider attending the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin, Texas?"

Kurt says he's not sure, as from a live seat, he'd only see one part of the track. Sounds reasonable and it's something I wonder too, about people going to these races. If it wasn't too much of a hassle, he'd be well up for it though!

Donor Anonymous asks "Have you been following the FIA Formula E racing series? I'm not the biggest racing fan myself, but it's been pretty interesting so far. As they work out all the bugs in the new cars, do you think there's a future in it?"

Kurt's certain that there's a future in it, since there's all kinds of racing motorsports. He hasn't been following this one particularly.

Donor DanTheLetsPlayMan asks "I've been reading about these "a month without internet or PC" experiments. Apart from your job, how hard would you think living a month without any electronic gadgets would be and how would you pass your time if you were forced into that situation?"

Kurt says he'd prepare for some kind of road or camping trip and he discusses this kind of thing for a while.

Donor Anonymous asks "Have you ever considered taking part in crowd-sourced science?"

Kurt says he has considered them, like the Zooniverse one. I've never heard of this and it seems interesting.

"Can we see the first Flobathon please?"

Kurt says he'll look into it! I'm fortunate I saw the first Flobathon before Twitch took it away!

Far Lands or Bust! #466


Current distance from Kurt: 89 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt makes a sign that says "4-Years of Walking to the Far Lands! 3/28/2015" and places it in front of the hidey-hole. He explains what happened with the livestream after grabbing Wolfie and heading WEST!

I'll be covering the livestream archives on YouTube. It'll be a small while before I get to them.

Kurt talks about internet issues he had during the first day. He builds his first hidey-hole at a scenic spot and takes a screenshot. It's quite lovely — it has the sunset and everything between two tall mountains.

Kurt had a face-cam (or beard-cam, as fellow Far Landers call it:) ) but it won't show up in the archive unfortunately...

Donor question time! Names will be published in big font until the donation goal is met!

Longtime Donor Alzeroth asks "What is the thing you miss most about Chicago since moving away? I'm guessing it's not the garage door!"

Kurt briefly reminisces on the neighbour's garage door, before talking about missing his family too.

Longtime Donor DeltaWhiskey asks "Any plans to/Did you end up watching this weekend's Formula 1 from (he can't pronounce the name so he skips and ends up saying the country) France?"

Kurt watched a little bit of it and remembers some of the track from playing the official games.

Donor Gregtor asks "I'd like to know what places you normally take Eva for a walk? Are there parks or just sidewalks?"

Kurt talks about walking Eva and that she seems to prefer playing with a Frisbee, rather than walking. He hopes he can take her hiking someday.

Donor Herman asks "What is your opinion of clowns, circuses and other such arts?"

Kurt is okay with them. He's not scared of clowns and he talks about one time an animal escaped from a circus he went to as a kid and how fun that was!

Donor CusterDuster asks "Do you have moments that you remember feeling large amounts of nostalgia and if so, spin us a yarn!"

Kurt talks about older versions of Minecraft and ties it in with the livestreams he did recently. He mentions how the game was much harder back then before the updates. He also talks about experiencing strong feelings of déjà vu, especially whenever he wasn't feeling well. He asks if we've had those kinds of feelings before. I think I have... I'm not sure I can think of a time right now when it was particularly strong though...

Dog Vlog! Kurt adopts an Australian Cattle Dog


Kurt appears with Eva the Australian Cattle Dog! He talks about her while playing fetch with her on camera with her toys. Such a cute face she has! She has red and white fur and is very tidy and neat looking. This is the start of a wonderful thing. I'm blogging about this almost a year later and as far as I know, things are still going pretty well with them!

Far Lands or Bust! #465


Current distance from Kurt: 90 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt grabs Wolfie and boats away WEST!

Kurt talks about livestreams, space news and more importantly, the new KurtIndeed vlog entry: "Dog Vlog!". I'll cover this in another post!

He talks all about his new dog buddy Eva, what she's like and how she's settling in.

Donor question time! As usual, names are in big font until donation goal is met!

Donor Philip asks "Are there any fun space related activities/museums or any other fun museums where you live that you would like to visit? Have you been to any yet? What are your favourite museums you have been to anywhere?"

Kurt hasn't had a chance yet but says Chicago has the best museums and he talks about them.

He builds his first hidey-hole in a cool looking valley.

Donor Bubs asks "Do you have a classic Game Boy or did you have a classic Game Boy when you were a kid? If so, what were your favourite games?"

Kurt says he didn't have one. He had friends who did and remembers playing that way. His sister had the SEGA Game Gear though.

Donor Anonymous asks "What is your favourite weather condition? As a resident of Oregon, I am very accustomed to gloomy, rainy, windy weather"

Kurt says he likes sunny weather, but likes other types of weather too that he discusses.

Donor ADF says "I just had the opportunity to wear the Oculus Rift. I demoed a couple of games, but was really impressed with space exploration and educational titles, specifically one called Titans of Space. What are your thoughts on VR/Oculus and their impact on education?"

Kurt says he's not sure. He discusses the potential for a while.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #48


Avidya returns! He rejoins Kurt, MCGamer and Millbee. Reunited!

First is SpeedHookers at the Zoo stage. Millbee wins it.

Second is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Factory stage. Avidya wins this one. Good return for him then!

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 10


Kurt and Dr Brian Lorgon111 explore another desert structure. Funny seeing Brian's nametag drop down!

They set up a little base again before proceeding. Below, they're dealing with many mobs and find little else.

They decide to head back and set the Stonehenge block.

Jeeves seems to respond to Brian trading paper with him which is pretty funny :) I never really did anything like this in the game.

They head into a dangerous place with lots of creepers and obsidian and there are plenty of "run away!" moments :)

Later on, they find another area beyond the desert and in the jungle. They then find a pyramid!

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 09


We join Kurt and Dr Brian Lorgon111 as they head to the village on the hill near the big tree. The good news is that the residents are unfazed by the destruction of their beloved tree :)

Later, they head towards some Stonehenge like structure. They make their way into an all obsidian pit. They're preparing for what could be a big battle ahead with a wither. It's with an evil guy named Thrax. Kurt gets withered and killed by him but Brian defeats him before dying himself.

They decide to head back and collect what stuff survived. But then, the nether portal goes out! Disaster!

They collect the spoils of battle and try to make the nether fires spread to the portal by placing the wood blocks they recovered. It eventually works and the portal activates again. Just then though, a ghast spawns and starts shooting at them. Brian makes it through while Kurt distracts it, before jumping through himself. Very clever and exciting escape! :)

Tuesday 26 January 2016

(2/2) Lovely Planet: The Swamp of Rage


Part 2 of this livestream archive! Second half hour.

Some tricky corner manoeuvring with the fog here. New enemies ahead too, where they're skinny shaking guys with hats that sound like they're going to explode. They're kind of intimidating!

He's constantly dying and making tiny bits of progress. He has to take a breath several times!

"Refrigerator" as a swear. Never heard of it before but I love it :)

Poor guy is being tortured! It is making an Iron Kurtain out of him though. :)

I admire him for sticking it out. Such a tough game to put up with.

(1/2) Lovely Planet: The Swamp of Rage


Not so lovely raging in this series, where Kurt played this really difficult first person shooter! This is a livestream archive of it.

He beats some of his previous records, he doesn't with others. He starts the colourful safe swearing soon :)

It's a very demanding game and it makes him sweat too! I played a demo of this game on the Wii U and it is pretty dang tough.

He eventually does quit this area and goes to an all new one with lots of fog and stuff he hasn't seen before, like teleporters. Music is kind of atmospheric here too.

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 08


Kurt and Dr Brian Lorgon111 are after facing this big bad guy several times now without success. His power is to make the screen do a nausea effect and it happens a lot!

They find him stuck in some cobwebs! They defeat him easily this way.

Afterwards they actually find a pre-made bridge across the canyon! Oh well!

They head back to the mausoleum and place the blocks, setting off little celebratory fireworks. :)

Afterwards, they head to the next structure in the desert and excavate it successfully. After this they head to the really big tree.

Nice little place with some farms around it. They start climbing and meet blazes! The tree is at risk of burning down due to them and the game is lagging with all the fires!

They have to place non-flammable blocks so they don't fall. Kurt investigates the chest and gets all tongue twisty when he finds the Citrusy Chestplate. There's also Tangy Helmet, Sour Boots, Pumpkin Pie and Juicy Leggings.

They hop off what's left of the tree and take a screenshot. All against the moon, which looks pretty nice. They'll explore the nearby village next. Hope they aren't angry about the tree!

Monday 25 January 2016

Grow Home 16


Kurt continues to glide for more crystals.

He finds the remaining ones and unlocks the unlimited jet pack! To celebrate he sings a line from "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler. It would make you want to burst into song wouldn't it? :)

With this he can get the annoying Plumin to the teleporter easily.

He spends a good bit of time trying to find the black sheep. It's nice to be able to fly around freely while doing this :)

He locates the sheep off camera. It's called an Arctic Meep in-game.

Kurt unlocks another skin and reflects on the game now that he has it 100% complete. It is a nice, cool little game! It's Kurt's favourite Ubisoft game since Driver: San Francisco. Both made by Reflections too!

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 07


Kurt and Dr Brian Lorgon111 discuss their next step.

They head into a mesa biome and meet some skeletons called "mob goons". They're pretty dangerous but this wild wolf helps them. Kurt tames him after the enemies are all defeated.

After a while, they come across a large canyon. It's another wonder, The Grand Canyon. Not as impressive as the real-life one but still very nice looking. They build a bridge across and find some more structures. Kurt stumbles on a trap but gets away in time.

They have to deal with lots of mobs in this village.

They reach a big structure and encounter Canyon Goons (zombie pigmen) and Antaeus. Kurt and Brian lose unfortunately, so they regroup and prepare to try again.

Far Lands or Bust! #464


Current distance from Kurt: 91 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt begins his day by chopping a tree for more wood. He grabs Wolfie once again and heads WEST!

He talks about his livestreaming, which is something he's getting better at and about a mini-FLoB pre-FLoBathon livestream he's doing as a 4 year anniversary special.

Donor question time! Lots more food questions! Names in big text until donation goal is met!

Donor Robert asks "What started your gluten-free journey? I worked at a restaurant that serves gluten-free options and heard a few stories of how it begins. How did you come to that dietary decision?"

Kurt talks about getting an upset stomach frequently throughout his life. I remember him giving up gluten at some point in the Far Lands or Bust history. He goes in depth about it and it's quite interesting. He talks about meal planning and restaurant research. As for me, I don't have the same allergy but I do have some weird food allergies myself. I have to do lots of food planning so I don't get into a state where I feel like throwing up!

Donor Shasta asks "What do you think of lab grown meat? Would you ever eat it if you could?"

Kurt says he doesn't know much about it. He says he might try it.

Donor NanoCarl asks "Do you have thoughts on the prospect of humans becoming a multi-planet species? Will good old Earth eventually no longer cut it?"

Kurt discusses it for a while. He goes into space exploration but he likes exploration for its own sake and learning more about our own planet this way.

Donor Sinstrite(sp?) asks "When you decided to go East in order to reach the donation goal, did you expect to get a 3:1 like to dislike ratio on your video?"

Kurt says he didn't really think about that aspect and discusses audience reception for a while. That thing about Etho throwing away diamonds makes me laugh! I just found a compilation of them on YouTube. It's good troll-y stuff!

Donor Lee asks "What is your favourite genre of music and do you play any instruments?"

Kurt says it's probably rock and the various types of it. He talks about trying out guitar and piano. I don't think I'd like to develop those guitar finger calluses...

Sunday 24 January 2016

Grow Home 15


After some preparations, Kurt returns! He immediately goes for a star seed, whose location he figured. Just one more of these to go!

He goes night gliding again in hopes to see crystals shining in the dark. When he gets it it's just four more to go! Luckily, the next one is nearby too. Kurt sings as he looks for it. :)

Another lucky break next, as he finds the worm he was looking for! He decides to shove some rocks out of the way in order to carry it out more easily. It's really enjoyable seeing him do the dramatic worm rescue! "I've saved youuuuuuuuuuu!". Soon, you can't help but root for him as things get serious. Then he makes it! Yay! :) Wow, those bouncy cacti ruined everything!

Next, Kurt finds the final star seed! As a prize he gets 5 days holidays and a Ninja Exoskeleton, giving him extra jumping power. This'll come in handy!

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 06


Kurt and Dr Brian find a well with a guardian spawner in it! Pretty interesting! Nice method to farm for stuff too I suppose. They also find a single gold block on top of a stick in a crater. Is it a trap? Isn't it?

It is! On touching it, they're attacked by Desert Dwellers i.e. zombies with helmets, boots and swords and get blindness momentarily. They defeat them though and can farm for even more materials this way.

They jump cut to another cool thing they find: A gated community! It's just a pyramid and a village with a fence around it. Within, there are replica monsters of a lot of Minecraft YouTubers, among others! They spot a few, including the slow-mo guy Gavin, cleverly holding a slow-mo potion! Also, fellow MindCracker BDoubleO! Kurt wears his head for a while and Brian nearly attacks him!

There's even Notch, who's carrying a Notch Apple! Interestingly, it can be used as a good weapon with its +2 attack damage! Lots of other cool stuff to find here too, based on the various personalities! So much stuff they have to jump cut to sort it all in the chest! They find brown wool in the pyramid chest.

They jump cut to a part where they're out boating again and find another Wonder, the Lighthouse of Alexandria. They make their way there, wondering what it's going to be like.

The yard surrounding the tower is really nicely done. Kurt deals with several skeletons and their spawners, while Brian deals with Blazes. Brian notices this when he sees Kurt again, due to all the arrows sticking out of him!

They both explore the surrounding walls of the tower and there are a few nice treasures on the turrets. They then look around the area while the sun sets. Ahh... how romantic! :) but seriously it is some lovely scenery.

They climb the tower and notice a skeleton riding a flaming bat. It's a sentence they never thought they'd utter! Then they come across invisible baby zombies riding on chickens! Very weird stuff!

They climb further and come across the flying skeleton spawners and the woolly treasure for this area! Woo!

Far Lands or Bust! #463


Current distance from Kurt: 92 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt with the intention of shearing sheep but that creeper ain't having it! He decides to grab Wolfie and flee WEST!

Kurt cautiously walks across the frozen sea. Don't want Wolfie to spawn under there again!

Space news: For the first time, people are going to spend a year on the International Space Station. This will be the longest yet. I wonder how they're doing? It's been almost a year...

Donor questions! Names in big writing until donation goal is met!

Donor Anonymous asks "Have you tried Omission beer?"

Kurt has and has even been tweeted by the company that made it!

Donor Joseph asks "If you could eat three foods that are definitely not gluten free and have no problems, what would they be?"

Lou Malnati's Pizza, an Italian beef dish I never heard of and maybe Twinkies. I've tried them before and I wasn't too impressed...

Donor Enarjah(sp?) asks "What is your most treasured memory?"

Kurt's not sure so he passes on it for now.

"What is the most interesting situation you've been in?"

Kurt doesn't really have an answer for this either and says he likes things to be on an even keel!

"What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you?"

Kurt talks about the trip to San Antonio where some turbulence happened and the flight attendants had to sit down. He generally has confidence in flying though. He also mentions hearing tornado sirens as a kid.

Donor Kaveman asks "What vlogs and podcasts have you been enjoying recently?"

Kurt hasn't listened to a podcast in years and watches a few vlogs but not too many.

Donor Anthony asks "What do you think the coolest space object thing is? Personally, quasars are particularly interesting to me."

Kurt says black holes as there's so much we don't know about them yet and talks about a space pageant he took part in at school, where he dressed as a black hole to talk about them. Sounds fun :)

Donor Top Gun asks "Have you had any experience with the Burnout games? Burnout 3 on the PlayStation 2 was an all-time classic and I've had a blast with the open world Burnout Paradise on the PC."

Kurt talks about his experience with the Burnout games and about the arcade/simulation balance that's important to him with other examples of racing games.

Donor Joshua asks "Have you ever played the game Roller Coaster Tycoon?"

While answering this question, Kurt skillfully grabs his workbench in mid-air before landing in the water. 10s all round!

Kurt says he has played this game alright but says he's not too big into the tycoon type of games.

Donor Bergasms returns with more questions(Sorry, I misspelled the name before!). He asks "In Minecraft Bingo, what items always caused you the most trouble to obtain?"

Kurt says newer items, food items and single mob items.

"Can you recite any poetry?"

Kurt can't think of any poems right now.

"Which British World War II plane is your favourite?"

Kurt answers with the Spitfire.

"When you come to Australia, will you try Vegemite? How about fairy bread?"

Kurt says he doesn't know and is unsure due to the gluten thing. As for me, I've tried Vegemite and it's ok! Fairy Bread I had to look up and wow! You learn something new everyday! Seems nice but I'm not that big on sprinkles as they're normally too hard to bite through. If I come across some, I'll try it!

I'd love to try poutine someday too.

It's the end of the episode, so not enough time for another question. He got through a lot in this episode though!

Saturday 23 January 2016

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 05


We join Kurt and Brian back at their little settlement. They're now prepared with maps and compasses! They take on the challenge and pass the mission!

After this, they go for a jungle temple mission. They do very well in this as well! Have a look!

Far Lands or Bust! #462


Current distance from Kurt: 92 episodes. Gaining!

Wolfie had two pigs keeping him company the whole night. Kurt grabs him and away they go WEST!

Kurt apologises for the video being late while C418's piano music plays in the background. Good timing! A thing like that can come in handy...

Kurt talks about the eclipse that happened in Europe. I do remember an eclipse at that time, but it was an early cloudy morning!

Now for donor questions. As usual, I'm making the names really big until the donation goal is met!

Donor Ben asks "I'm planning to go all the way with the buzz cut. Maybe not as short as yours, but still a lot shorter than I'm used to. How would you recommend doing this?"

Kurt doesn't know, but suggests going to the barber. He also suggests a home solution though.

Very scary moment when Wolfie gets stuck under the ice. Kurt saves him just in time. It was close! So much damage was taken, there's actual whining from Wolfie. It's been a long long time since I heard that whine from him. Well saved, Kurt!

After this, Kurt shares his recent experience of going to the barber.

Another question: "Were you involved in any clubs during your school life?"

Kurt tried a board game club once but didn't continue it and the computer club in middle school, where he played Bolo on the Macintosh computers. I remember him talking about this before! It's an interesting game and a great story! There was also the radio club in high school, which sounds like a fun experience too.

Donor Janina from Germany asks "If I buy a shirt or a mug from the Far Lands or Bust! Spreadshirt thingy, do I donate to Child's Play charity as well?"

Not at the same time it seems.

Donor Sam W. asks "I have just gotten my provisional driver's licence and was trying to think of fun places to go and things to do. I was wondering where you might go and what you might do on a free Saturday?"

Kurt likes to hike if the weather's nice and mentions a couple of other things he likes doing.

Donor Birdgasms asks "Have you ever seen the movie Pacific Rim?"

While answering, Kurt explores an interesting shallow tunnel. He hasn't seen the movie fully.

Donor Anonymous asks "Should you ever reach the Far Lands, do you intend to continue your charity efforts in some other mad expeditions?"

Kurt says he would hope so. He says again that the journey will take years, at least a decade! I hope he'll continue and I also hope I can catch up with him someday!

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 8


We join Kurt and VintageBeef as they talk about the weather. It's gonna rain on their next race in Spielberg!

Kurt qualifies 22nd and Beef qualifies 14th. Poor Esteban always looks sad! He misses his family - Maria, Esteban Jr. and Jeremy.

Spielberg is a city in Austria, but that doesn't stop them making jokes about John Williams music, Jurassic Park and Jeff Goldblum! :)

Kurt comes third and Beef comes fourth. Esteban is only allowed 12 minutes to see his family as a result. Poor guy!

At least it didn't rain until later in the race.

Friday 22 January 2016

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 04


Good thing the following episode was the next video in sequence! Kurt's still climbing a bit and Brian seems to be managing ok with the spawners from the sounds of things.

Kurt enters the house and beats mobs left and right. Some nice treasures here they find upstairs. They spend the night here too.

In the morning, they head west. For a moment, Kurt thought there was a cow with Brian's face! It was just they way they were standing!

They decide to go boating and find a mushroom village! A normal village replaced with mushroom blocks! No Smurfs here though unfortunately! Here, Kurt finds an insane potion that gives nausea and blindness but also over 12,000% attack damage. "Is it worth it?" it carries as a caption. Wows all around! Kurt sneezes and humorously says he must be allergic to mushrooms! They explore a while before boating out again.

Brian's boat accidentally gets broken and there's a funny exchange between them here :)

Eventually, they come across the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the wonders of this world! They decide to explore it in the morning and get ready. While exploring the inside, Kurt says he's not curious at all about where he is in the body.

They find a room with a blaze and defeat it. Some adventure blocks here in a chest. They break outside and look down. Egad it's a dizzying height! Kurt finds a sign that says "Built by Mondy". Well found!

Kurt and Brian guide one another from inside and outside the structure, Kurt saying whether Brian's in a part of the arm or the shoulder. It's pretty interesting and... yes, dizzying! When they finish, Brian and him dive off into the water. They then spend another night at the base. Pretty cool quest!

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 03


We join Kurt and Dr Brian at the little makeshift settlement they have for themselves. They hang out here momentarily before heading back to the pyramid.

I gotta say, it's fun to hear Kurt do his trademark snore in polite company! :) in the morning they find an intriguing tree. In-tree-guing? Get it? Had to repeat that joke here :)

They eventually come across an inverted pyramid. It kind of reminds me of inverted Towers of Hanoi! It's pretty cool how there are skeleton mobs in here walking on their heads! They're not any less formidable though!

After they excavate that, they find a little village and explore there. Kurt doesn't snore at all this time at night, he just says the words "snoring noises". :)

They gather some veggies and stuff and head off once more. They find a vanilla dungeon and a mushroom biome. In the forest they see an interesting tall wooden house with a pointy roof.

Brian ventures and finds zombie spawners. Kurt's on a mountain and says to let him know if he needs help. The episode ends abruptly here. Bit of a cliffhanger!

Far Lands or Bust! #461


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie head WEST! Kurt delivers a very skillful Child's Play charity pitch today. Tune in to check it out!

Kurt talks about a barber trip for keeping his artisanal beard under control. He's never been to one before so it'll be kind of a new experience for him. I've never been to a barber myself. I have family members who have hairdressing skills, so I haven't been to any kind of hairdressing shop for years...

On the second day it's time for donor questions! Their names are in BIG font here until the donation goal is met!

Donor Anonymous asks "Do you plan on doing a multiplayer with paulsoaresjr and/or inviting him to the FLoBathon?"

Kurt says since he's on MindCrack, he's invited like all the other ones are, though he may be busy with real life stuff.

Donor TorinDarkFlight asks "Have you ever visited Meteor Crater in Arizona?"

Kurt has! He's even taken pictures of it on his Deviantart page. He talks about it for a while and it's quite interesting.

Donor Jonathan asks "Have you been following the Planetary Society's LightSail Project and if so, what are your thoughts on it?"

Kurt says he hasn't especially, though he used to be a member. He talks about it for a while. I didn't know about their connection with the Mars Rover. He gives their web address as well on and recommends checking it out.

Donor Zachary asks "What is your favourite meme? Mine is the '60's Spider-Man meme!"

Kurt says he likes the "y u do dis" one, especially the one with the baseball bat being thrown into the crowd. He can't think of anything else right now.

He does a William Shatner impression before turning in for the second night! :)

Donor WhiteFang asks "Have you tried any of the local coffee or tea places yet, or are you still using Intelligentsia, if at all?"

Kurt says he still orders coffee online, though he mentions some other coffee companies he ordered from.

Donor RaginCaucasian asks "Did you play with LEGO as a child?"

Kurt has indeed :) including the Space Shuttle one he had on YouTube!

"What was the longest drive you ever made? What kept you from being bored out of your mind?"

Kurt says being on family trips growing up and mentions a few. As for Kurt himself, he mentions a few planned trips he took that spanned several days. I didn't pick up if he did anything to stop from being bored.

Kurt then makes a "thumbs up!" in the sand!

Donor SomeGuy asks "Do you like taking pictures? If you do, what's the best picture you've ever taken and the best picture you're in?"

Kurt does. He talks about it for a while and the photography he's done. He likes the one where he's in front of the spacecraft Atlantis.

Kurt then turns in for the night. Hope he can sort out that widget thingy for next time!

Thursday 21 January 2016

Grow Home 14


Kurt climbs around the waterfall to recover the crystal and falls out. At least he got the crystal! He starts gliding around for more crystals and star seeds.

He tries to pluck another of those long pinkish/purpleish flowers and it continues to be a hassle for some reason.

Instead, he scans some snarkgrass. Later, he does manage to find the dodo he was looking for! It was hidden away in a little canyon/cave. He manages to scan it. It's called a Gold Plumed Warble.

He then takes a notion to explore the outside of the ship! He climbs on top and into the engines too. Nice metallic footstep sounds and he can explore the engines safely!

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 02


Kurt and Brian head to a pyramid in the desert for the next quest. There are some mob goons here outside. There are spawners and lots of mobs to deal with inside. Good thing there are two of them.

Poor Brian gets slain by a zombie at one point. They're inundated with mobs! After Kurt excavates some treasure they decide to regroup at the mausoleum. He gets momentarily withered but survives. It's a weird and deadly looking status effect... I haven't seen much of it.

Far Lands or Bust! #460


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes. No change!

Kurt has second thoughts about coming out of his hidey hole when he sees two skeletons bathing ahead. Luckily they don't have pathfinding, so they burn off quickly in the sun when they wander out of the water.

Kurt feeds Wolfie some breakfast and off they head WEST!

Now for donor questions! They will be glorified in the biggest text on this blog until the donation goal is met!

Donor Anonymous asks "Why do you think the mainstream media gives such limited coverage to space news? What news sources do you read to keep up to date?"

Kurt offers some reasons touching on issues like sensationalism. He also talks about where he gets his own space news.

He builds his first hidey hole near the edge of a cliff where Wolfie nearly nudges him off!

Kurt gives a good lot of space news later and it continues through the whole episode. He also talks about NASA social Twitter events.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

(4/4) Besiege: Mars Rover of Death! - Livestream Archive


Final half hour!

Kurt has lots of fun experimentation with flying machines at the start.

Then he goes back to the catapult and does more conquering! He continues this until the end of the video.

(3/4) Besiege: Mars Rover of Death! - Livestream Archive


Third half hour!

Kurt adds on to his Mars Rover thingy. He gives it some height and a bomb carrier thingy and a catapult. It takes a bit of practice but he manages to do some damage with it!

He fortifies it even more with loads of cannons and beats the next zone.

Soon he tries his hand at a flying machine!

(2/4) Besiege: Mars Rover of Death! - Livestream Archive


Second half hour!

Kurt manages to get his Mars Rover thingy have some 45 degree angle things that connect to the wheels. The enemy's arrows keep knocking the wheels off with their arrows, so Kurt explores armour options. I like the way he says "Run away!" as it reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail :)

It's funny the way his wheels look like they're dancing when he completes the level and changes direction too.

In another mission where he's facing an attacking army, he puts spinning blade things on his wheels that work pretty well.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

(1/4) Besiege: Mars Rover of Death! - Livestream Archive


We join Kurt for a livestream of this new game! This post will cover the first half hour.

Kurt introduces the game as a type of Kerbal Space Program for your medieval warlord, though it's his first time actually playing. He watched BDoubleO and Zisteau play before this.

I've seen the Game Grumps play it alright so I kind of know what to expect. Not really my type of game but I'll join Kurt as he plays.

He completes the first few missions easily enough and has some good fun tinkering around with his war machine vehicles and crushing everything with them.

Grow Home 13


Kurt scans a cactus piece called a Fractus and scavenges the beach for more stuff to scan.

He can really whizz around the platforms now! It's funny that he offshoots them but he didn't have this platforming power before!

He does everything he can to find more star seeds and crystals, even growing more stalks out. He tries to braid a couple for fun :)

He ascends to a cave and plucks one of the long thin flowers. He has a bit of hassle here trying to get out so he just throws it out and over the side. He doesn't manage to recover it though.

Kurt then decides to survey the whole world map by gliding on his leaf from the mother ship. He finds one more crystal and is on the trail of another.

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 01


Ooo! New series! Kurt teams up with Dr Brian Lorgon111 for this "Complete The Monument" map by Mondy. This'll be interesting!

They start by reading the mission thingy and using the warps to explore the outposts.

They meet Jeeves the Monument Keeper and have a chat with him... or what little chat you can have with him! The explore more of the outside and find a stairwell going down.

I must say they work well together! Makes for some nice cosy video too :)

They get exposition from Ixion. I'm guessing they're the bad guy. They eventually conquer them and go on to restore the Mausoleum's block.

Monday 18 January 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #47


We join Kurt, Coestar, MCgamer and Millbee for a relaxed edition of running. What does that mean? Have a look!

First up is vanilla at the Silo stage. Millbee wins it.

Second is vanilla at the Casino stage. MCGamer wins it.

Third is Super Speedrunners at the Factory stage. Kurt wins it!

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 7


Kurt and Beef return to racing! They turn down the difficulty a little. Monaco was not an easy time...

They choose Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve. Kurt qualifies in 11th and Beef comes in 22nd. Poor Esteban thought he got speed juice but it turned out to be slow juice!

Beef talks about his favourite orange... coloured drink, Tang and trying the grape variety. He likes it a lot!

As for me, I never had Tang. I only know that it's associated with space flight.

Kurt comes 3rd and Beef comes 12th. Poor Esteban pleads to see his wife and family. He's been forced to drive Formula 1 cars non stop for weeks!

Far Lands or Bust! #459


Current distance from Kurt: 93. No change!

Kurt starts his day by blowing up a sheep with a creeper and almost blowing up a cow with another creeper. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Another sheep falls to its doom shortly afterwards. Not a lucky day for sheep hm?

Kurt talks more about his journey in general seeing how the anniversary is around this time. There'll be livestreaming happening soon too.

Donor time! Like before and until the goal is met, I'll make the names big.

Donor Anonymous says "Have some new boots!" so Kurt says he'll make some new boots.

Donor UncheckedCrowd asks "Knowing you're a car enthusiast, have you ever had the desire to own or ride a motorcycle. I got one a few years ago and to me, at least, it's very fun to ride. If so, what type might you want to try? (lists a few)"

Kurt was kind of interested but he's not sure. He talks about it for a while. I wouldn't be into motorbikes at all myself.

Donor Anonymous asks "What do you love about other people?"

Kurt likes comedy and when people are funny.

Donors Peter & Nikki ask "If your YouTube career goes down the pan, what is your Plan B, C and D? Would you go back to do web design or something with art?"

Kurt says he has no idea. He doesn't even have a plan A!

"If Wolfie was to get killed by the glitchy terrain due to the distance from spawn, would you in time find new Wolfie McWolfington or would you let it go alone?"

Kurt talks about Wolfie getting lost during a FLoBathon and during a game crash. Those were technical issues though. As for in-game stuff, he'll think about it when it happens.

Donor Birdgasms asks on behalf of friend Natalie H "What do you think of the colour green?"

He thinks it's alright. It's good.

Another on behalf of friend CraftedCircle "If you have a year off to study whatever you want, what would you study?"

Kurt says he might study geology.

Donor J.J. asks "I wondered if you know much about the field of Quantum Mechanics or if you wanted to learn about it?"

Kurt talks about it for some time, while investigating an underwater spawner.

Donor Sir Voof(sp?) asks "Do you have an attraction to a specific old car?"

Kurt likes the '57 Chevy or the '55 one. Also the Hudson Hornet.

The spawner Kurt was investigating has skeletons but no treasures. Bit of a jump scare there! Wolfie tries to get in on the action too so it's a bit tense!

After this, Kurt makes his final hidey hole for the day.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Grow Home 12


Kurt makes his way to an unexplored island via catapult. He makes his way to another series of islands unconnected to the plant yet.

He collects a few crystals before falling to his death. He gets back on his feet though and continues to collect more crystals.

He meets the bull again and this time it just goes straight for him. He reckons the developers made updates to the game since the last session.

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #46


We join Kurt, MCGamer, Coestar and Millbee for more competitive running sports!

First up is SpeedHookers at the Warehouse stage. It takes ages like SpeedHookers usually does, but Kurt wins it :)

Second is Super SpeedRunners at the Theme Park stage. Crazy moment here when Kurt gets frozen in a block of ice but the ice beam seems to propel him so far forward he wins a point! MCGamer goes on to win the round.

Grow Home 11


Kurt finds another star seed in a death snapper plant thingy. He dies on it a few times and sees his own corpses when he returns each time! You could say it's bits of B.O.B. hehe :)

Anyway, he manages to grab the seed and fly out just in time. This is the sixth one.

He scans a gem but the data bank doesn't offer any kind of identification.

Later he has some trouble with a slippery Palmapple that falls in to a mini-canyon but he manages to scan it along with some grass.

Exploring further, he discovers a cave with a bull inside. For some reason it has a ring in its nose, even though there aren't supposed to be any humans around. He tries to ride it but it proves dangerous and can hurt him! Later he scans a champignon and a fuchsia gourdle.

He's getting better at the flying and exploring! He seems a lot more comfortable with it now that the jet pack has a good boost to it.

Saturday 16 January 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #45


Now for more SpeedRunning with Kurt, Millbee, MCGamer and Coestar!

First up is SpeedHookers at the Factory stage. Coestar wins it, due to squabbling betwen the others for second place! Priorities guys!

Second is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Plaza stage. Kurt worked really hard on this and avoiding the hooks but Millbee wins... I wouldn't mind but Millbee was whinging about not getting a win mark for ages. Dang it!

Some weird in-joke is going on between these stages. Not even Kurt is in the loop! What was it about?! Sounded like they were choking!

Third is RocketRunners at the Library stage. Kurt closes the library and wins it! Yes! :D

Far Lands or Bust! #458


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes.

We join Kurt as he clears a frog from his throat! After dealing with it, he grabs Wolfie and off they head WEST!

It's about this time at the episode's air date that four years have passed since the first episode! I'm taking a brief look at it now and there's an annotation that says it's been 2 years. Ah, time... ah, anniversaries! :)

Donor question time! As usual I'm making the names big until the donation goal is met!

Donor Hob3 asks "Now that MindCrack has a YouTube network, will you join it? If not, why?"

Kurt discusses YouTube networks for a while. He seems to be undecided yet.

Donor Anonymous asks "Do content creators still get revenue if you skip ad on YouTube?"

Kurt talks about this for a little bit. It's quite interesting. He still advises to act how you would normally, since advertisers are interested to know what you're interested in, so they can advertise accordingly.

Donor Anonymous asks "If YouTube wasn't around, what do you think you'd be doing right now?"

Kurt reckons he may never have left his old job. He's not sure though.

Donor Alyssa asks "Do you like the sound of your own voice?"

Kurt says not necessarily but he seems ok with it. He talks about what it's like to edit his own videos or listen to himself on a panel or something. Hearing my own voice is a strange feeling sometimes!

Donor Ellie asks "If you're planning to move on from Forza, what console games are you planning on playing for your next series?"

Kurt keeps us in suspense by turning in for the night!

In the morning he answers by talking about older console games for PS1 and PS2, since there's not much else of interest on modern systems right now.

Donor ColdWithin asks "Did you break your no alcohol initiative at PAX South?"

Kurt did not! He talks about taking this initiative as part of his gluten avoidance.

Donor StrandedDeep asks "Has it crossed your mind to make a stream or a mini-series?"

While answering this question, Kurt spots two weird floating blocks of water and takes a picture of them. He investigates and falls through them, trying to make sense of them. He reckons it must have been an underground lake or something.

Kurt talks about some diving simulators.

Donor Dave asks "I'm on my own long journey across Canada right now. I was wondering if you ever thought about visiting Canada. If so, where?"

Kurt says he's not sure. Maybe some mountainous region or the Arctic Circle. He talks about a time he went on a family trip to Canada.

Kurt's first attempt at an end of episode hidey hole turns out to be a cave, so he digs one out somewhere else nearby. He says to stay tuned to Twitter for an announcement. FLoBathon?

Grow Home 10


Kurt finds a cave he overlooked completely first time round and explores it. He excavates the crystals within too.

He finds a really big plant called a cactoid. The feedback report is amazed he was able to lug it around. He's raking in the crystals too. He also finds the third seed from a cactus. The fourth seed he finds on a cliff ledge and the fifth is right next to another teleporter.

He ends the episode taking a dive in midair!

Friday 15 January 2016

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP58


We join Kurt as he retakes the race. Some nice ruins here but having a bunch of crazy cars speeding through may not be the best idea in case something happens! He comes second.

He comes first in the next race! Very well done for the Kleenex-mobile!

The next race takes place in the rain and he comes first in this too.

Kurt wins an Oldsmobile Hurst/Olds 442 in wheelspin.

Soon, he takes on Bucket List challenge #8: Go Skill Crazy in a Lexus LFA. Kurt passes it but is baffled as to how he got the points. Those points and multipliers really went crazy in the last few seconds!

Kurt wins the next race and the championship! Is he paying attention to the skill point thing more now than before? Before now I haven't really.

SpeedRunners with MindCrack 44


Kurt, MCGamer, Coestar and Millbee SpeedRun some more!

First is Super Speedrunners at the Silo stage. Millbee wins it quickly and the end slate humorously appears before being record scratched out!

Second is SpeedHookers at the Abandoned Factory stage. MCGamer wins this one.

Then the game crashes for everyone!

Third is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Nightclub stage. At one point Kurt gets frozen but keeps moving thanks to sliding on a slope! Millbee wins but he takes forever to beat Kurt! That's right, give 'em heck!

Grow Home 09


Kurt has 53% crystals now and increasing! He also uses the grow stalks to help him reach tricky ones. It's nice how they can still be useful in the post-game.

He tries to scan a dodo looking bird called a warble and has a tough time trying to get out of the cave with it. He ends up throwing it off a cliff and scans it later. He also finds a seed, a jerkweed, a gourdle and a gradish. They all have databank entries talking a little about them with amusing descriptions. It's another nice dimension to the gameplay.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP57


We join Kurt for a bucket list challenge: 11: Tear around the streets of Nice in a yellow Huracán. This is all about points and multipliers. It's a little strange how it works because you can lose as well as earn points. It's cool the way it seems a bit like earning points in pinball though :) Before now, I never really paid attention to the points.

Kurt goes shopping for an offroad car and gets a 1990 Subaru Legacy RS. It has Kleenex branding on the side, interestingly enough. Loads of other branding too. He heads to the next championship and soups up the vehicle.

He enters the first race but doesn't win.

Far Lands or Bust! #457


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes. No change!

This episode's air date marks the four year anniversary of the first episode! Kurt loses track of where he sits Wolfie for a moment but finds him again.

Anyway, he reflects on his whole journey from the beginning. He also gives space news: Dawn has entered Ceres orbit.

Kurt gets a question about the new water temples or ocean monuments and he talks about his recent adventure with Guude. I think they're an interesting addition.

More donor questions in big font until Kurt's donation goal is met!

Donor ScubaSteve asks "Have you been offered the chance to appear in any of the Minecraft based YouTube cartoons such as the N00b Adventures or An Egg's Guide to Minecraft? It would be funny to see you and Wolfie walk on by unexpectedly in the middle of an episode."

Kurt did appear in some thing a couple of years ago, where he went on a ship with Wolfie. He talks about it. "An Adventure at Sea" it was called or something.

Donor Rowl(sp?) asks "VintageBeef has started a contest for viewers to help build a project on the MindCrack server. Would you consider doing something similar? To rebuild Fermilab Wilson Hall that you never got to finish on the last season of MindCrack?"

Kurt isn't sure. He talks about it and doing more episodes with Guude.

The snowy area up ahead reminds Kurt of the snowy area he spawned in all those years ago.

"If you could add a new feature of your choice to Minecraft, what would it be?"

Kurt discusses the various additions to Minecraft over the years. He's also asked about Windows 10 and hopes it'll be a good thing.

Donor StealthyBoy asks "What is your favourite moment in Far Lands or Bust! thus far?"

Kurt has a few favourite moments. Have a listen!

Donor Anonymous asks "If you could be a Minecraft mob for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?"

Wolf or enderman he says. Good answers! Especially about the instant travel thing!

"What do you think of other YouTubers who are also trying to get to the Far Lands? Do you embrace it or do you wish it was unique to yourself? What is your favourite snack?"

He says he doesn't mind as long as they don't call it Far Lands or Bust! He discusses it for a while.

In his hidey hole he puts up a sign that says "Four Years of FLoB! 3/6/11-3/6/15 Episode 457"

Expert Ocean Monument Takedown with Guude


Kurt joins Guude on the MindCrack server for this session! This came about from their promise to do something together while they were helping out with charity stuff.

They spend quite some time catching up with each other, updating us on what's going on, walking and boating on the way to the ocean monument.

I've never seen these before! They've got laser beams and guardians and everything. It's pretty interesting. They're all maze like and you need to have special potions to breathe underwater in order to explore them. They have these freaky looking fish enemies with spikes and one eye. They're the Guardians. Poor Kurt gets killed by one of them.

The rest of the episode Kurt tries to head back but they run out of time. It's quite a nice hangout session with Guude though :)

Wednesday 13 January 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #43


We join Kurt, MCGamer, Millbee and Coestar for more SpeedRunning!

First is RocketRunners at the Powerplant stage. Coestar wins it.

Second is RocketRunners at the Zoo stage. Poor MC flubs the beginning of one run. It's funny but, poor guy! Millbee wins this one.

Third is Super SpeedRunners at the Factory stage. Poor MC gets stuck and glitched badly in the wall spikes and Coestar takes the opportunity to do gloating poses with his character! Kurt wins this one :)

Grow Home 08


Kurt returns to Grow Home for some post-endgame collecting!

He climbs around for more crystals and star seeds. He finds a good few. There's one interesting part where he has to latch on to the bottom of a floating island to grab a crystal.

He finds one of the 8 star seeds too!

Far Lands or Bust! #456


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt and Wolfie leave the hidey hole safely, even though there was a spider outside hissing all night. WEST they go!

For the first day, Kurt talks about deciding on when to do Flobathon and about other video making stuff. He welcomes new viewers too from the recent UHC season. Poor Doc's video footage got corrupted and so, everyone had to watch Kurt's footage. Hope they discovered something they enjoyed and subscribed!

Kurt spots a zombie spawner near some lava and accidentally gets Wolfie angry at them. He then has to put Wolfie at a safe distance before taking care of the spawner. To his dismay, the spawner had no treasure whatsoever! Dang!

Anyway, time for donor questions. Their names are still in big by me until the donation goal is met.

Donor NoTroop asks "Have you ever considered recording voice and video game audio separately? I'd love to be able to just download the voice audio to just listen as a podcast sometimes."

He says that's what he does! He talks about it more.

Donor Anonymous asks "Do you think the internet is too uncompetitive?"

He says it's tough to say. He discusses it a little more.

Donor Anonymous asks "Have you seen yourself get more extroverted in real life or not?"

He leans more towards "or not". He says something about confidence but is still not sure.

Donor Michael(sp?) asks "What do you think your first death will be?"

Kurt says lava is an underestimated possibility and talks about it for a while. I don't really want to think about it since he's been doing so well!

Kurt builds his final hidey hole for the episode and heads to sleep.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Gravity Ghost 08


Kurt continues with the colour fox puzzles.

He gets through it all and a lot more exposition happens.

Quite a moving and dramatic story. The credits then roll. Notch appears in them.

It's not the type of game Kurt usually plays but it's still nice to join him while he does.

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #42


We join Kurt, Millbee, MCGamer and Coestar once again! Millbee is playing as a weird goat character today. Looks like it's from Goat Simulator and it's a bit funny and creepy looking!

First is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Casino stage. Takes ages and Millbee wins it.

Second is Super SpeedRunners at the Swift Peaks stage. MCGamer wins this.

Grow Home 07


While Kurt rides a stalk, he recites the Konami Code! Nice one :)

He climbs onto a rock that spins in the air. Must be careful here to hang on while it spins him upside-down.

Kurt takes another big fall and tries to grab onto something, but whacks his head off the side of a cliff. Ouch!

Afterwards, he catapults himself up into the air so high he's nearly able to glide back to the ship!

There are more rocks that seem to rotate when Kurt grabs onto them. He's getting good at the flying and grabbing!

He finally makes the plant grow enough to reach the ship and bloom! Kurt wonders if this M.O.M. commander is good or evil.

Kurt makes it into the ship. He brings stuff inside and has a look around. There are pictures of his adventure on the walls. He interacts with the computer and it gives him ASCII fireworks. Nice :)

The credits start rolling and Kurt reflects on his enjoyment of the game, then it's back to the computer that gives him another mission to do: Collect 8 star seeds and bring them to any teleporter.

Kurt decides to wrap it up for now and end it on a spectacular note by leaping off the ship, gliding into a cactus and kicking a plant. He does a good finale!

There'll be more videos of this series :)

Monday 11 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #455


Current distance from Kurt: 94 episodes. No change for a while now! He's keeping that little bit ahead!

Kurt opens the letterbox of his hidey hole to see a creeper staring in at him! He carefully gets rid of it and makes it out safely with Wolfie. They head WEST! Yes indeed! Donors are still extremely important at the moment, so I'll continue to publish their names in the biggest font size.

Space news! New Horizons and Dawn, Pluto and Ceres... Kurt brings all the details!

Now for Donor questions!

Donor ConeDodger asks "When you were a kid, did you enjoy taking things apart and trying to figure out how they worked? Did that transfer to adulthood?"

He did! He once took apart a Walkman and talks more about it. While talking about it, he drains out a spider spawner. He builds an elevated hidey hole here too. There are a lot of scary splashing and spidey noises below! He takes iron from the chest.

Donor SimplePeoples asks a few questions. "If you had to eat just one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Tough one! He has to weigh it up, considering health and everything. He mentions maybe a stir fry among other things.

"What is your favourite breed of dog?"

Kurt's not sure. "Digital!" he says jokingly!

"Favourite 2014 movie?"

Possibly Interstellar, though he had issues with it too. Gravity if it wasn't released in 2013. Personally, Interstellar was one of my least favourites. My favourites were The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Dumb and Dumber To.

"Most interesting news article?"

Some kind of space news.

"Opinion on the 12th Doctor if you still watch Dr. Who?"

He hasn't watched any of the new ones still.

"How do you find the games you play?"

Through word of mouth or game blog subscriptions or seeing what's popular on Steam.

"Favourite Minecraft block?"

Not sure. Maybe diamond.

Donor BrokenBrow asks "Referencing your previous notion of drawing cartoons before recording YouTube videos, I'm curious to know: aside from Groening, who are your artistic influences in relation to your drawings and how those influences are relevant to the content you create today?"

Kurt mentions Bill Watterson, Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs, Sunday newspaper comics. He says it's just shaped his sense of humour, but he got good at drawing stuff like hands.

He spots a sand spit that seems to form the top part of a face and two eyes, calling it a Cookie Monster formation!

Donor XavierPenguin asks "Figured you'd want something different to be asked!" and he gives the questionnaire as seen on Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton!

"What is your favourite word?"


"What is your least favourite word?"


"What turns you on?"

Humour and laughter

"What turns you off?"


"What sound or noise do you love?"

Kurt does the cheek flicking droplet sound he's known for!

"What sound or noise do you hate?"

Tornado sirens.

"What is your favourite curse word?"

He doesn't usually swear so he doesn't know what to say...

"What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?"

Astronaut! Else, race car driver!

"What profession would you not like to attempt?"


These are Kurt's answers. I don't know what I'd say for this sequence of questions. Maybe I'll answer them myself someday!

Donor Mattroe asks "Since we're in the spirit of the East, if you had to move to a country in the Eastern Hemisphere, what country would it be?"

Amusingly, Kurt gets hung up on there being an Eastern Hemisphere at all for a moment! He mentions Japan as it seems to be one of the more westernised and not completely unfamiliar places. He doesn't have a huge interest in going to the East though.

As he builds his hidey hole, he's worried about the gravel and a spider nearby but it turns out okay.

Minecraft UHC 20 with MindCrack 08


Lotsa action here! Many mobs to deal with and poor Arkas gets slain by VintageBeef! Shortly afterwards there's an exciting shootout and ducking between trees!

If that wasn't enough, ANOTHER team comes up from behind! They're quickly spotted and Kurt takes out Coestar and OMGchad. Aureylian gets Doc, Kurt gets Aureylian, Sevadus gets Kurt... It's a bloodbath!

Well, that's it for Kurt... :(

Sevadus later gets slain by Vechs.

The rest of the video is filled with the previous sequence of events in reverse! Interesting idea! Unique way to recap events too!

Some interesting stuff here. It turns out Arkas didn't have a team! Also, what the heck is up with that team named "WNtRtFOaTNFUSWDNO"?

Gravity Ghost 07


We join Kurt for the fox constellation. Here we see terrestrial things like a windmill, a hammer, trees, mushrooms, a lighthouse etc.

There's one little tricky moment where he has to line up the star with the telescope's line of sight.

Some drama plays out between the sisters. The game does that, fluctuates between serious drama and telling bad jokes. Still fun though :)

Kurt has a little trouble trying to catch a moose but pulls it off. The fox guardian is a challenging puzzle.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Grow Home 06


Kurt takes another 2 branches to reach a distant floating island. He's quite used to this now.

He attempts a catapult again with great success! His reaction is pretty cool! He's able to make his way to the next save point too. :)

He's glad the plant doesn't sway. That would completely ruin the game I'd say!

He tries another catapult and flies off into nothingness! His head comes clean off too! Pretty funny! :)

Minecraft UHC 20 with MindCrack 07


We join Kurt, Doc and Arkas for more questing.

They find another team's Nether portal. They don't see anyone though when they go through. They come back to the outside world.

Then Pakratt gets slain by VintageBeef.

They're still looking around for endermen.

Gravity Ghost 06


Kurt smoothly welcomes us with a close-to-the-mic voice :)

He goes into the Wolf constellation. He comes across these planets that seem like solid diamond.

He meets the wolf guardian and they have a nice chat for a while. There's a couple of fragmented cutscenes here too, revealing a tiny bit more of the plot.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #454


Current distance from Kurt: 94 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt and Wolfie as they continue WEST! Thank goodness for going West! :)

Kurt was feeling a little bummed out, so he decided to record this episode a little early. He talks about a recent test drive he got to do recently. Nice to hear he had a good experience with the car dealer and that they weren't pressuring him to buy.

On the second day, Kurt goes into more donor questions! I'll continue to make the names big.

Donor Danny asks "What did you want to be when you were a kid?"

Kurt says it fluctuated from being a baseball player to fireman/policeman to air force pilot. Currently it's astronaut!

"How was your college experience overall?"

He says it was mediocre! He did ok, apart from the Spanish class. He didn't study web design, even though it became his full time job for a while. That's always an interesting thing isn't it?

Donor Petey asks "What is your favourite prank you have played or have seen others play? If you do get to Minecon, would you consider playing a prank on your fellow MindCrackers and would you enjoy it if any of them played a prank on you?"

Kurt likes the server pranks but not real life pranks.

Donor Anonymous asks "Do you prefer day hikes or longer backpacking camping hikes? If you could hike anywhere, where would you like to go? Would you bring anyone with you?"

Kurt would like the chance to do a multi-day hike. I wonder if he's seen the Walter Mitty movie with Ben Stiller? I loved it. He might like it if he's interested in Iceland.

Kurt elevates his hidey hole above a creeper and flees it in the morning.

Donor Katie asks "I know you enjoy the strange and wondrous sights generated in the Minecraft world, but have you travelled anywhere that had views that took your breath away? If not, where are some places you've travelled and want to travel?"

Kurt mentions the Grand Canyon; White Sands, New Mexico for a number of reasons he discusses; Colorado mountains; see the huge trees in California; see an active volcano like in Hawaii.

Donor Emily asks "When I first played Minecraft I was afraid of the squids because I didn't know if they were hostile or not. When you first played Minecraft, did you have such silly misconceptions about the game or were you already an expert from watching Let's Plays?"

Kurt says he only watched X's Adventures in Minecraft before starting, so he did see a lot of stuff that was kind of scary. In general he likes that sense of discovery that he comes across in his recent playthroughs like Grow Home.

Kurt makes a hidey hole in a hurry because he hears footsteps that may not be the sheep bleating nearby. Hopefully that's all it is!

Grow Home 05


We join Kurt for more climbing! He gets a little vertigo from climbing such dizzying heights. That would do it alright!

He finds a leaf that lets him hover for much longer than the daisies do. It glides faster so he's still getting used to it.

The stars make this height quite dizzying too.

He takes a couple of big drops but manages to cling on to something just in time!

He tries growing a stalk into an island but only barely tips it and it doesn't connect. Gah! He manages to connect a branch to it though.

Minecraft UHC 20 with MindCrack 06


Kurt and Doc do some inventory management. They're still a little freaked out at the fight they just went through!

Suddenly, digging is heard... It's Arkas and he wants to join their team! I didn't know that could be done! It's a nice thing though and he joins the Skype call. Kurt keeps lookout while potion brewing happens.

When they finish, Kurt takes the brewing stand and they all head out into the night. They check out the portal and deal with some mobs.

"Cool guys don't look at creepers!" Doc says. They continue looking for endermen.

Friday 8 January 2016

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP56


We join Kurt for bucket list item number #3: Drift an Enzo Ferrari in the rain. It's like Outrun 2 without the blue skies! It looks pretty difficult to steer anywhere in the Ferrari, let alone drift in it. Kurt completes it but isn't too fond of drifting in general.

Kurt switches cars to a Lotus Exige S for the next race event. He's doing really well but is passed at the last second and loses first place!

In the next race, Kurt comes first and, going beyond his own expectations, wins the championship as well! Well done, buddy! :)

Grow Home 04


Quite the cliffhanger that was! Kurt climbs back up onto the top of that floating island from last time.

Climbing further, he falls off and is forced to use his float flower  to an island with toadstools on it. There's a crystal here but no float flower... Kurt falls again and this time it's a plummet all the way down to the sea. Thankfully, he can restore from a save.

Soon he's back to growing stalks again. The main plant grows taller with a waterfall all around. It's pretty cool. Kurt climbs up through and hops across some floating rocks. While picking a flower, Kurt's head comes off! How did that happen?! Craziness!

He climbs a weird looking flower, hoping it'll catapult him. It doesn't. He walks along this island and there are spiky shrubs and trees. Lots of dangerous looking holes too. He spots a save point but falls in the water and dies :( Now he has to climb all the way up from the last point again!

He eventually makes it to the save point and examines a nearby plant that shoots him straight up into the air. From atop a mountain, he ends the episode. He's just under halfway up to home!

Minecraft UHC 20 with MindCrack 05


Kurt, SethBling, Doc and MCGamer continue their quest. They explore a taiga biome for a while.

They spot another team and get into crouch mode! SethBling gets slain by Pyro, who gets slain by MCGamer. Kurt slays generikb and AnderZEL, MCGamer gets slain by AnderZEL, Millbee gets slain by Doc. The other team gets slain completely and it's just Kurt and Doc that's left.

All the while Kurt still has that stone sword! At least now he can plunder a better one! Doc gives him one made of diamond.

After plundering, they use lava on the rest of the loot and dig underground to catch their breath!

It seems Kurt got a little famous for holding a stone sword for so long. Someone on YouTube did a sketch of his character!

Thursday 7 January 2016

Kurt Plays Forza Horizon 2 EP55


Kurt tunes up his 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 for the next race. He comes 7th.

Afterwards, he does a bucket list event: #4.Race a Hennessey Venom along the Autostrada. In this yellow car he makes a number of attempts but finally makes it! It was a tough enough race against time. The screen shaking during the immense speed is nauseating for him. Screen shaking is generally obnoxious!

Kurt goes back to the garage and does some more modifications before going into the next race. He comes 7th again.

Far Lands or Bust! #453


Current distance from Kurt: 94 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt and Wolfie and off they head WEST! West to the Far Lands! Yeah! Thank you again, Pink Sheep of the East!

Now, we still haven't reached the charity goal, so I'm going to continue displaying donor names in the largest text.

Donor Vasquez(sp?) asks "Tomorrow I'm leaving for army basic training. I will be away for three months. I will be training for one month of infantry training. I'm definitely going to miss hearing you talk about everything under the sun. But I have to leave now. Since I'm leaving to the army, I was wondering have you ever considered joining the military or know somebody who has?"

Kurt wanted to be a pilot alright. He says he remembers recruiters and had a grandfather who was in the army too. He wouldn't now though and wishes the donor the best of luck. Apart from the haircut, he says he wouldn't be suited for stuff like that. As for me I wouldn't but I knew some people who have joined the army and navy.

Donor Greggtor asks "Dr Brian Lorgon111 does his vlogs while walking around different places. Do you intend to do that in your vlog channel?"

He says maybe on hikes or drives. I remember the one he did while on a hike years ago alright! Something like that would be a great idea :)

Kurt makes the first elevated hidey hole near some cool looking cliffs.

Another question from them: "How is the search for a dog going? You visiting local shelters and stuff?"

Kurt gives an update on his dog quest. As for me, I'm not that keen on dogs.

Donor Rob asks "I was wondering what or if you had any new favourite albums you've been listening to recently?"

Kurt doesn't have much of a chance to listen to music in recent times but he got St. Vincent and it's a recent favourite of his. He talks about it for a little bit. The most recent album I got was the Kirby Triple Deluxe soundtrack! It's a nice album. Kirby games normally have great music :)

Donor PoisonWing asks "Are there any video games you have wanted or still want to play but haven't had the chance or just can't for some reason or another?"

Kurt says he would play the latest Grand Theft Auto but it probably wouldn't suit his YouTube recordings. I have a bit of a backlog myself...

Another question from them about Dungeon and Dragons. Kurt's not really into those type of games. I've never played them either.

Donor Spartan asks "If you had a publisher bringing you an unlimited credit line to develop a game, what kind of game would you develop?"

Kurt says he doesn't really have the creative spark but he'd nearly consider just making a really cool racing game.

Donor SD1FruitBat asks "What is the most useless thing you ever bought and did you know how useless it was at the time you bought it?"

Before answering, Kurt hums and haws about jumping off a cliff into some water and does it! All's safe and well, including Wolfie :)

Kurt answers the question but says he nearly always obsessively weighs things up in his purchasing decisions! Anyway, he said he once went for a protein powder chocolate drink but it tasted really terrible! Like burnt dandelions!

The Generous Four-time Donor Stomp has been trying to guess where Kurt has moved to. Kurt assures him that he's been wrong every time but thanks him!

Kurt then builds his final hidey hole of the day.