Saturday 16 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #458


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes.

We join Kurt as he clears a frog from his throat! After dealing with it, he grabs Wolfie and off they head WEST!

It's about this time at the episode's air date that four years have passed since the first episode! I'm taking a brief look at it now and there's an annotation that says it's been 2 years. Ah, time... ah, anniversaries! :)

Donor question time! As usual I'm making the names big until the donation goal is met!

Donor Hob3 asks "Now that MindCrack has a YouTube network, will you join it? If not, why?"

Kurt discusses YouTube networks for a while. He seems to be undecided yet.

Donor Anonymous asks "Do content creators still get revenue if you skip ad on YouTube?"

Kurt talks about this for a little bit. It's quite interesting. He still advises to act how you would normally, since advertisers are interested to know what you're interested in, so they can advertise accordingly.

Donor Anonymous asks "If YouTube wasn't around, what do you think you'd be doing right now?"

Kurt reckons he may never have left his old job. He's not sure though.

Donor Alyssa asks "Do you like the sound of your own voice?"

Kurt says not necessarily but he seems ok with it. He talks about what it's like to edit his own videos or listen to himself on a panel or something. Hearing my own voice is a strange feeling sometimes!

Donor Ellie asks "If you're planning to move on from Forza, what console games are you planning on playing for your next series?"

Kurt keeps us in suspense by turning in for the night!

In the morning he answers by talking about older console games for PS1 and PS2, since there's not much else of interest on modern systems right now.

Donor ColdWithin asks "Did you break your no alcohol initiative at PAX South?"

Kurt did not! He talks about taking this initiative as part of his gluten avoidance.

Donor StrandedDeep asks "Has it crossed your mind to make a stream or a mini-series?"

While answering this question, Kurt spots two weird floating blocks of water and takes a picture of them. He investigates and falls through them, trying to make sense of them. He reckons it must have been an underground lake or something.

Kurt talks about some diving simulators.

Donor Dave asks "I'm on my own long journey across Canada right now. I was wondering if you ever thought about visiting Canada. If so, where?"

Kurt says he's not sure. Maybe some mountainous region or the Arctic Circle. He talks about a time he went on a family trip to Canada.

Kurt's first attempt at an end of episode hidey hole turns out to be a cave, so he digs one out somewhere else nearby. He says to stay tuned to Twitter for an announcement. FLoBathon?

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