Monday 4 January 2016

Grow Home 01


An all new series! Kurt's a big fan of the developer, so he decided to check this out.

There's a good looking and cute opening where the robot jumps out of its ship to explore the world below.

This robot has individual limb controls for climbing. Nice flower parachute too! Seems like a nice little 3D platformer. He can do some sheep herding stuff too.

The mission here seems to be going around collecting things and making things grow into other platforms so you can access them. Kurt's a little disturbed at how phallic things are!

It's a little weird how drunk the robot looks! The whirrs and beeps make it sound like Wall E too :)

Kurt's still sore that developer Ubisoft Reflections made Watch Dogs instead of Driver Chicago. He's right too! I loved his Driver San Francisco videos and Chicago is his hometown!

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