Thursday 7 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #453


Current distance from Kurt: 94 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt and Wolfie and off they head WEST! West to the Far Lands! Yeah! Thank you again, Pink Sheep of the East!

Now, we still haven't reached the charity goal, so I'm going to continue displaying donor names in the largest text.

Donor Vasquez(sp?) asks "Tomorrow I'm leaving for army basic training. I will be away for three months. I will be training for one month of infantry training. I'm definitely going to miss hearing you talk about everything under the sun. But I have to leave now. Since I'm leaving to the army, I was wondering have you ever considered joining the military or know somebody who has?"

Kurt wanted to be a pilot alright. He says he remembers recruiters and had a grandfather who was in the army too. He wouldn't now though and wishes the donor the best of luck. Apart from the haircut, he says he wouldn't be suited for stuff like that. As for me I wouldn't but I knew some people who have joined the army and navy.

Donor Greggtor asks "Dr Brian Lorgon111 does his vlogs while walking around different places. Do you intend to do that in your vlog channel?"

He says maybe on hikes or drives. I remember the one he did while on a hike years ago alright! Something like that would be a great idea :)

Kurt makes the first elevated hidey hole near some cool looking cliffs.

Another question from them: "How is the search for a dog going? You visiting local shelters and stuff?"

Kurt gives an update on his dog quest. As for me, I'm not that keen on dogs.

Donor Rob asks "I was wondering what or if you had any new favourite albums you've been listening to recently?"

Kurt doesn't have much of a chance to listen to music in recent times but he got St. Vincent and it's a recent favourite of his. He talks about it for a little bit. The most recent album I got was the Kirby Triple Deluxe soundtrack! It's a nice album. Kirby games normally have great music :)

Donor PoisonWing asks "Are there any video games you have wanted or still want to play but haven't had the chance or just can't for some reason or another?"

Kurt says he would play the latest Grand Theft Auto but it probably wouldn't suit his YouTube recordings. I have a bit of a backlog myself...

Another question from them about Dungeon and Dragons. Kurt's not really into those type of games. I've never played them either.

Donor Spartan asks "If you had a publisher bringing you an unlimited credit line to develop a game, what kind of game would you develop?"

Kurt says he doesn't really have the creative spark but he'd nearly consider just making a really cool racing game.

Donor SD1FruitBat asks "What is the most useless thing you ever bought and did you know how useless it was at the time you bought it?"

Before answering, Kurt hums and haws about jumping off a cliff into some water and does it! All's safe and well, including Wolfie :)

Kurt answers the question but says he nearly always obsessively weighs things up in his purchasing decisions! Anyway, he said he once went for a protein powder chocolate drink but it tasted really terrible! Like burnt dandelions!

The Generous Four-time Donor Stomp has been trying to guess where Kurt has moved to. Kurt assures him that he's been wrong every time but thanks him!

Kurt then builds his final hidey hole of the day.

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