Tuesday 5 January 2016

F1 2014 with VintageBeef Race 6

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI9OymtdEgY

We join Kurt and Beef for a race in Monaco! It's pretty cramped here so they've turned down the difficulty.

Kurt qualifies in first place while Beef messes up something and qualifies last.

Somewhere along the way, Beef flips over and over. We know because we can hear him freaking out about it. We can only see Kurt's smooth driving so we can only go by Beef's voice in this perspective :)

Kurt's still in front while Beef is all like "get out of ma face!" to other racers back along.

At one point, Kurt gets wedged, Austin Powers style, but still makes it out and keeps first place. He has to explain to Beef what the Austin Powers thing is though!

Further on, Kurt slips back to 6th place :( some more Austin Powers wedging happens and he drops further. Poor Beef gets disqualified then. Shucks :(

Beef can watch Kurt's racing with the camera at least.

Kurt finishes and comes 8th.

Esteban argues with the guy grumpily and then greets someone else in a friendly jolly way and asks what's for dinner. We can always count on Esteban! :)

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