Monday 11 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #455


Current distance from Kurt: 94 episodes. No change for a while now! He's keeping that little bit ahead!

Kurt opens the letterbox of his hidey hole to see a creeper staring in at him! He carefully gets rid of it and makes it out safely with Wolfie. They head WEST! Yes indeed! Donors are still extremely important at the moment, so I'll continue to publish their names in the biggest font size.

Space news! New Horizons and Dawn, Pluto and Ceres... Kurt brings all the details!

Now for Donor questions!

Donor ConeDodger asks "When you were a kid, did you enjoy taking things apart and trying to figure out how they worked? Did that transfer to adulthood?"

He did! He once took apart a Walkman and talks more about it. While talking about it, he drains out a spider spawner. He builds an elevated hidey hole here too. There are a lot of scary splashing and spidey noises below! He takes iron from the chest.

Donor SimplePeoples asks a few questions. "If you had to eat just one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Tough one! He has to weigh it up, considering health and everything. He mentions maybe a stir fry among other things.

"What is your favourite breed of dog?"

Kurt's not sure. "Digital!" he says jokingly!

"Favourite 2014 movie?"

Possibly Interstellar, though he had issues with it too. Gravity if it wasn't released in 2013. Personally, Interstellar was one of my least favourites. My favourites were The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Dumb and Dumber To.

"Most interesting news article?"

Some kind of space news.

"Opinion on the 12th Doctor if you still watch Dr. Who?"

He hasn't watched any of the new ones still.

"How do you find the games you play?"

Through word of mouth or game blog subscriptions or seeing what's popular on Steam.

"Favourite Minecraft block?"

Not sure. Maybe diamond.

Donor BrokenBrow asks "Referencing your previous notion of drawing cartoons before recording YouTube videos, I'm curious to know: aside from Groening, who are your artistic influences in relation to your drawings and how those influences are relevant to the content you create today?"

Kurt mentions Bill Watterson, Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs, Sunday newspaper comics. He says it's just shaped his sense of humour, but he got good at drawing stuff like hands.

He spots a sand spit that seems to form the top part of a face and two eyes, calling it a Cookie Monster formation!

Donor XavierPenguin asks "Figured you'd want something different to be asked!" and he gives the questionnaire as seen on Inside the Actor's Studio with James Lipton!

"What is your favourite word?"


"What is your least favourite word?"


"What turns you on?"

Humour and laughter

"What turns you off?"


"What sound or noise do you love?"

Kurt does the cheek flicking droplet sound he's known for!

"What sound or noise do you hate?"

Tornado sirens.

"What is your favourite curse word?"

He doesn't usually swear so he doesn't know what to say...

"What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?"

Astronaut! Else, race car driver!

"What profession would you not like to attempt?"


These are Kurt's answers. I don't know what I'd say for this sequence of questions. Maybe I'll answer them myself someday!

Donor Mattroe asks "Since we're in the spirit of the East, if you had to move to a country in the Eastern Hemisphere, what country would it be?"

Amusingly, Kurt gets hung up on there being an Eastern Hemisphere at all for a moment! He mentions Japan as it seems to be one of the more westernised and not completely unfamiliar places. He doesn't have a huge interest in going to the East though.

As he builds his hidey hole, he's worried about the gravel and a spider nearby but it turns out okay.

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