Saturday 2 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #450


Current distance from Kurt: 95 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he gets a prompt good morning bark from Wolfie. Off we go East!

Lots of donor questions so let's get into them! Big emphasis on names for the backwards run!

Family Donor Hazelman Dad asks "Guude recently visited an Extra Life charity site and was moved to start his own charity drive. Have you ever considered visiting a hospital that Child's Play charity serves to see the results of the charity first hand?"

Kurt's considered it and he's not sure about it. Maybe with group of others.

Mom from the same family asks if Kurt enjoys gardening, a recent question. Kurt kind of likes it but not really landscaping or mowing the lawn. I don't really enjoy mowing the lawn either. He's considering vegetable growing.

14 year old Daughter of the family asks "Do you prefer warm or cool, wet or dry climates and why?"

Kurt's still kind of figuring it out but it seems whatever's optimal for hiking.

9 year old Son of the family asks "If you were your own fan, what question would you ask yourself?"

Kurt praises the depth of his question!  He talks more about his vlog channel and everything.

Donor Anonymous asks "How badly is the night sky affected by light pollution in your new locale vs the old one. Have you considered joining any astronomical societies yet?". Donor Thorin Darkflight asks a similar question.

Kurt says yes but there's still some light pollution. He talks about telescopes.

Another question from Thorin DarkFlight: "What is your opinion on LEGO?"

He says he likes it.

Last question from him "Do you watch any anime?"

He doesn't. I like some anime myself :)

Kurt takes a screenshot of a cool looking natural bridge.

Donor FullMetalKnee asks about Kurt's search for a dog.

The search continues!

Donor Azulon from Germany asks "If you feel down and unmotivated due to life being sucky, what's your recipe to feel good again?"

Kurt says that working on videos makes him feel good! Going for short walks outside helps him feel good too.

Kurt replicates the transit of Venus with a floating block in front of the sunset :) fun stuff.

Kurt builds his hidey hole on the side of a mountain with a gorgeous view. Hope he doesn't tumble down in the morning!

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