Thursday 28 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #467


Current distance from Kurt: 88 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt welcomes us to April! Instead of doing the April Fools thing, he thinks about doing taxes. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Kurt gives a shout out to the Minecraft Bingo Crew for their recent fundraising event for Child's Play charity!

Donor question time! Names in big font until donation goal is achieved!

Very Generous Donor Dan H asks "NASA lets you choose one item to take on a one way trip to Mars. Ignoring any size or weight problems, what would you choose?"

Kurt struggles to come up with an answer and eventually considers an optical telescope, so he can observe Earth from there!

Donor DravereSilvaneus asks "Do you actually pick your nose when nobody watches?"

Kurt says he doesn't generally. A guy would be self conscious if he was on face cam though!

After the question, Kurt skillfully dodges a creeper and the most troublesome of all enemies, his anti-virus notifications! Woooo!

Donor XavierPenguin asks "Now that you have Eva, do you think you will say "Woof!" every time she happens to bark?"

Kurt hasn't actually heard her bark yet.

"Have you talked to Eva in the way you've talked to Wolfie?"

He says not really as he doesn't commentate real life.

"Do you think that by having Wolfie as your digital dog in Far Lands or Bust! has helped you be prepared and ready for adopting Eva?"

He doesn't think so at all :) He talks about suggestions of calling her Wolfie instead of Eva. He wasn't too into that either! I agree with him. Imagine if she'd get all mixed up when he'd be scolding the in-game Wolfie! Sounds kinda crazy.

Donor Manfred4 asks "Have you ever been into the computer sciences beyond the floating point precision errors you've encountered because of your journey?" and says that by his calculations, Kurt should be hitting a wall soon, where the decimal point shifts and we see the jittering of the world double in size and getting worse. "Do you think you can handle that for the rest of your series?"

Kurt recalls the switch in jitteriness the first time and discusses this further. He also never really took programming classes beyond web design.

Donor Anonymous asks "If you could have any superpower with no consequences instantly given to you, what would it be?"

Kurt says it would probably be flight instead of stuff like invisibility, laser eyes or super strength. I think I would choose that too! Or maybe a super jump.

Donor Nick Claus asks "What is the biggest zoo animal you could beat in a fight if it came down to it?"

Kurt actually weighs up the various options! It's a fun discussion, not that it's something he wants to do! :)

Donor Anonymous asks "Would you consider attending the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Austin, Texas?"

Kurt says he's not sure, as from a live seat, he'd only see one part of the track. Sounds reasonable and it's something I wonder too, about people going to these races. If it wasn't too much of a hassle, he'd be well up for it though!

Donor Anonymous asks "Have you been following the FIA Formula E racing series? I'm not the biggest racing fan myself, but it's been pretty interesting so far. As they work out all the bugs in the new cars, do you think there's a future in it?"

Kurt's certain that there's a future in it, since there's all kinds of racing motorsports. He hasn't been following this one particularly.

Donor DanTheLetsPlayMan asks "I've been reading about these "a month without internet or PC" experiments. Apart from your job, how hard would you think living a month without any electronic gadgets would be and how would you pass your time if you were forced into that situation?"

Kurt says he'd prepare for some kind of road or camping trip and he discusses this kind of thing for a while.

Donor Anonymous asks "Have you ever considered taking part in crowd-sourced science?"

Kurt says he has considered them, like the Zooniverse one. I've never heard of this and it seems interesting.

"Can we see the first Flobathon please?"

Kurt says he'll look into it! I'm fortunate I saw the first Flobathon before Twitch took it away!

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