Saturday 30 January 2016

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 11


Dr Brian Lorgon111 welcomes us back in a muddled and funny way! Kurt and him reset their spawn by the pyramid in preparation to investigate.

They break a few spawners and find a big long ladder that goes up over the clouds. There's a bridge and some platforms up here. They wave to each other from different high points. Nice sense of adventure here. :)

Kurt shares a couple of pictures he took of that time he went on top of the pyramid at Chichen Itza(the real life one) and looked down through The Rusty Gate. It looks pretty eerie!

They get messages from Magmus, the boss in this area when they enter deep into the pyramid. A big magma cube is here, so they have fun fighting this boss that splits into smaller ones. They head back out via a teleport button. Kurt excavates some graves here first and finds beds underneath. Strange!

They find an underground network of tunnels with treasures and baby zombie villager spawners. When they come back up, they're put on high alert by two creepers that welcome them!

Afterwards, Brian asks Kurt about his trip to Chichen Itza and he talks about it for a while. It sounds pretty cool.

They find a cool spot with skeleton heads, representing something else at the real Chichen Itza. They go in and collect them. There are also other mob heads here. Pretty cool lookin' place. The real world equivalent looks pretty neat too.

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