Friday 29 January 2016

(1/2) MindCrack Server: Quit While Ahead - Livestream Archive


Kurt goes caving. It looks dangerous, so he says he'll be leaving, but he continues! What is it about caves that pull you in, even if you don't particularly want to be pulled in?

He comes across a big cluster of mobs and says they should drop what they're holding when they're defeated. I agree with him. They totally should!

I like the part where he says "they're in my hair!" when he takes on a spider spawner. That was pretty funny :)

PauseUnpause joins the server. He's another rare visitor whereas Kurt is Medium-Rare. Might as well say it now: I prefer my steak to be well done and tender.

Kurt finds two blocks of diamond between two lava falls. He blocks the falls off successfully before collecting the diamond.

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