Friday 22 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #461


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes. No change!

Kurt and Wolfie head WEST! Kurt delivers a very skillful Child's Play charity pitch today. Tune in to check it out!

Kurt talks about a barber trip for keeping his artisanal beard under control. He's never been to one before so it'll be kind of a new experience for him. I've never been to a barber myself. I have family members who have hairdressing skills, so I haven't been to any kind of hairdressing shop for years...

On the second day it's time for donor questions! Their names are in BIG font here until the donation goal is met!

Donor Anonymous asks "Do you plan on doing a multiplayer with paulsoaresjr and/or inviting him to the FLoBathon?"

Kurt says since he's on MindCrack, he's invited like all the other ones are, though he may be busy with real life stuff.

Donor TorinDarkFlight asks "Have you ever visited Meteor Crater in Arizona?"

Kurt has! He's even taken pictures of it on his Deviantart page. He talks about it for a while and it's quite interesting.

Donor Jonathan asks "Have you been following the Planetary Society's LightSail Project and if so, what are your thoughts on it?"

Kurt says he hasn't especially, though he used to be a member. He talks about it for a while. I didn't know about their connection with the Mars Rover. He gives their web address as well on and recommends checking it out.

Donor Zachary asks "What is your favourite meme? Mine is the '60's Spider-Man meme!"

Kurt says he likes the "y u do dis" one, especially the one with the baseball bat being thrown into the crowd. He can't think of anything else right now.

He does a William Shatner impression before turning in for the second night! :)

Donor WhiteFang asks "Have you tried any of the local coffee or tea places yet, or are you still using Intelligentsia, if at all?"

Kurt says he still orders coffee online, though he mentions some other coffee companies he ordered from.

Donor RaginCaucasian asks "Did you play with LEGO as a child?"

Kurt has indeed :) including the Space Shuttle one he had on YouTube!

"What was the longest drive you ever made? What kept you from being bored out of your mind?"

Kurt says being on family trips growing up and mentions a few. As for Kurt himself, he mentions a few planned trips he took that spanned several days. I didn't pick up if he did anything to stop from being bored.

Kurt then makes a "thumbs up!" in the sand!

Donor SomeGuy asks "Do you like taking pictures? If you do, what's the best picture you've ever taken and the best picture you're in?"

Kurt does. He talks about it for a while and the photography he's done. He likes the one where he's in front of the spacecraft Atlantis.

Kurt then turns in for the night. Hope he can sort out that widget thingy for next time!

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