Tuesday 19 January 2016

Grow Home 13

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtnBdgMBKMo

Kurt scans a cactus piece called a Fractus and scavenges the beach for more stuff to scan.

He can really whizz around the platforms now! It's funny that he offshoots them but he didn't have this platforming power before!

He does everything he can to find more star seeds and crystals, even growing more stalks out. He tries to braid a couple for fun :)

He ascends to a cave and plucks one of the long thin flowers. He has a bit of hassle here trying to get out so he just throws it out and over the side. He doesn't manage to recover it though.

Kurt then decides to survey the whole world map by gliding on his leaf from the mother ship. He finds one more crystal and is on the trail of another.

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