Thursday 28 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #465


Current distance from Kurt: 90 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt grabs Wolfie and boats away WEST!

Kurt talks about livestreams, space news and more importantly, the new KurtIndeed vlog entry: "Dog Vlog!". I'll cover this in another post!

He talks all about his new dog buddy Eva, what she's like and how she's settling in.

Donor question time! As usual, names are in big font until donation goal is met!

Donor Philip asks "Are there any fun space related activities/museums or any other fun museums where you live that you would like to visit? Have you been to any yet? What are your favourite museums you have been to anywhere?"

Kurt hasn't had a chance yet but says Chicago has the best museums and he talks about them.

He builds his first hidey-hole in a cool looking valley.

Donor Bubs asks "Do you have a classic Game Boy or did you have a classic Game Boy when you were a kid? If so, what were your favourite games?"

Kurt says he didn't have one. He had friends who did and remembers playing that way. His sister had the SEGA Game Gear though.

Donor Anonymous asks "What is your favourite weather condition? As a resident of Oregon, I am very accustomed to gloomy, rainy, windy weather"

Kurt says he likes sunny weather, but likes other types of weather too that he discusses.

Donor ADF says "I just had the opportunity to wear the Oculus Rift. I demoed a couple of games, but was really impressed with space exploration and educational titles, specifically one called Titans of Space. What are your thoughts on VR/Oculus and their impact on education?"

Kurt says he's not sure. He discusses the potential for a while.

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