Sunday 24 January 2016

Minecraft Wayward Wonders CTM 06


Kurt and Dr Brian find a well with a guardian spawner in it! Pretty interesting! Nice method to farm for stuff too I suppose. They also find a single gold block on top of a stick in a crater. Is it a trap? Isn't it?

It is! On touching it, they're attacked by Desert Dwellers i.e. zombies with helmets, boots and swords and get blindness momentarily. They defeat them though and can farm for even more materials this way.

They jump cut to another cool thing they find: A gated community! It's just a pyramid and a village with a fence around it. Within, there are replica monsters of a lot of Minecraft YouTubers, among others! They spot a few, including the slow-mo guy Gavin, cleverly holding a slow-mo potion! Also, fellow MindCracker BDoubleO! Kurt wears his head for a while and Brian nearly attacks him!

There's even Notch, who's carrying a Notch Apple! Interestingly, it can be used as a good weapon with its +2 attack damage! Lots of other cool stuff to find here too, based on the various personalities! So much stuff they have to jump cut to sort it all in the chest! They find brown wool in the pyramid chest.

They jump cut to a part where they're out boating again and find another Wonder, the Lighthouse of Alexandria. They make their way there, wondering what it's going to be like.

The yard surrounding the tower is really nicely done. Kurt deals with several skeletons and their spawners, while Brian deals with Blazes. Brian notices this when he sees Kurt again, due to all the arrows sticking out of him!

They both explore the surrounding walls of the tower and there are a few nice treasures on the turrets. They then look around the area while the sun sets. Ahh... how romantic! :) but seriously it is some lovely scenery.

They climb the tower and notice a skeleton riding a flaming bat. It's a sentence they never thought they'd utter! Then they come across invisible baby zombies riding on chickens! Very weird stuff!

They climb further and come across the flying skeleton spawners and the woolly treasure for this area! Woo!

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