Saturday 30 January 2016

(2/2) MindCrack Server: Quit While Ahead - Livestream Archive


After sneezing, Kurt comes up with a concept for an action movie about a guy with hay fever. Sounds pretty funny :)

He continues caving. He makes a reference to the Tiny Toons movie "How I Spent My Vacation" with the quote "The audience is now deaf". OMG that's one of my all time favourite movies! I still have the VHS tape because there hasn't been a DVD release over here.

Kurt has a bit of trouble with his feverish nose and apologises for it. With livestreaming, there's no editing, so it's kinda tough going! He can't even do the snoring noises with it.

He talks about Top Gear for a while and finds a Sphinx like natural formation of gravel. Kinda cool!

He finds some red sheep, of all colours. Pretty unusual.

Towards the end of the video, he fights a load of mobs outside in the daytime on a mountain waterfall.

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