Sunday 24 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #463


Current distance from Kurt: 92 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt with the intention of shearing sheep but that creeper ain't having it! He decides to grab Wolfie and flee WEST!

Kurt cautiously walks across the frozen sea. Don't want Wolfie to spawn under there again!

Space news: For the first time, people are going to spend a year on the International Space Station. This will be the longest yet. I wonder how they're doing? It's been almost a year...

Donor questions! Names in big writing until donation goal is met!

Donor Anonymous asks "Have you tried Omission beer?"

Kurt has and has even been tweeted by the company that made it!

Donor Joseph asks "If you could eat three foods that are definitely not gluten free and have no problems, what would they be?"

Lou Malnati's Pizza, an Italian beef dish I never heard of and maybe Twinkies. I've tried them before and I wasn't too impressed...

Donor Enarjah(sp?) asks "What is your most treasured memory?"

Kurt's not sure so he passes on it for now.

"What is the most interesting situation you've been in?"

Kurt doesn't really have an answer for this either and says he likes things to be on an even keel!

"What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you?"

Kurt talks about the trip to San Antonio where some turbulence happened and the flight attendants had to sit down. He generally has confidence in flying though. He also mentions hearing tornado sirens as a kid.

Donor Kaveman asks "What vlogs and podcasts have you been enjoying recently?"

Kurt hasn't listened to a podcast in years and watches a few vlogs but not too many.

Donor Anthony asks "What do you think the coolest space object thing is? Personally, quasars are particularly interesting to me."

Kurt says black holes as there's so much we don't know about them yet and talks about a space pageant he took part in at school, where he dressed as a black hole to talk about them. Sounds fun :)

Donor Top Gun asks "Have you had any experience with the Burnout games? Burnout 3 on the PlayStation 2 was an all-time classic and I've had a blast with the open world Burnout Paradise on the PC."

Kurt talks about his experience with the Burnout games and about the arcade/simulation balance that's important to him with other examples of racing games.

Donor Joshua asks "Have you ever played the game Roller Coaster Tycoon?"

While answering this question, Kurt skillfully grabs his workbench in mid-air before landing in the water. 10s all round!

Kurt says he has played this game alright but says he's not too big into the tycoon type of games.

Donor Bergasms returns with more questions(Sorry, I misspelled the name before!). He asks "In Minecraft Bingo, what items always caused you the most trouble to obtain?"

Kurt says newer items, food items and single mob items.

"Can you recite any poetry?"

Kurt can't think of any poems right now.

"Which British World War II plane is your favourite?"

Kurt answers with the Spitfire.

"When you come to Australia, will you try Vegemite? How about fairy bread?"

Kurt says he doesn't know and is unsure due to the gluten thing. As for me, I've tried Vegemite and it's ok! Fairy Bread I had to look up and wow! You learn something new everyday! Seems nice but I'm not that big on sprinkles as they're normally too hard to bite through. If I come across some, I'll try it!

I'd love to try poutine someday too.

It's the end of the episode, so not enough time for another question. He got through a lot in this episode though!

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