Wednesday 13 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #456


Current distance from Kurt: 93 episodes. Gaining!

Kurt and Wolfie leave the hidey hole safely, even though there was a spider outside hissing all night. WEST they go!

For the first day, Kurt talks about deciding on when to do Flobathon and about other video making stuff. He welcomes new viewers too from the recent UHC season. Poor Doc's video footage got corrupted and so, everyone had to watch Kurt's footage. Hope they discovered something they enjoyed and subscribed!

Kurt spots a zombie spawner near some lava and accidentally gets Wolfie angry at them. He then has to put Wolfie at a safe distance before taking care of the spawner. To his dismay, the spawner had no treasure whatsoever! Dang!

Anyway, time for donor questions. Their names are still in big by me until the donation goal is met.

Donor NoTroop asks "Have you ever considered recording voice and video game audio separately? I'd love to be able to just download the voice audio to just listen as a podcast sometimes."

He says that's what he does! He talks about it more.

Donor Anonymous asks "Do you think the internet is too uncompetitive?"

He says it's tough to say. He discusses it a little more.

Donor Anonymous asks "Have you seen yourself get more extroverted in real life or not?"

He leans more towards "or not". He says something about confidence but is still not sure.

Donor Michael(sp?) asks "What do you think your first death will be?"

Kurt says lava is an underestimated possibility and talks about it for a while. I don't really want to think about it since he's been doing so well!

Kurt builds his final hidey hole for the episode and heads to sleep.

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