Sunday 31 January 2016

Far Lands or Bust! #468


Current distance from Kurt: 88 episodes. No change!

We join Kurt as he hears zombie footsteps, but they seem to be away underground. He grabs Wolfie and heads WEST!

Kurt shares a weird dream he had about being back in high school. I've had those kinds of dreams before too. Nothing really happened in them except thinking about homework and whatever else.

Now for donor questions! Names in big until donation goal is met!

Donor Anonymous asks "What is your favourite dinosaur?".

Kurt says it's the t-rex or ankylosaurus. He talks about the dinosaur craze of the mid-90s. I remember that craze too :) Dublin Zoo had animatronic dinosaurs!

Donor YahWeasel asks "Comic Sans: Bad from the day it was designed, or chronically misused so that it became a parody of itself? What are your favourite fonts and font advice for the aesthetically impaired?"

Kurt remembers being corrected on the term "font" and that it's actually "typeface". He says Comic Sans was just a default font that was all over the place at one point. He shares a fun story from his web design days! He also talks about various fonts he's used and what he likes.

Donor Ref asks "Have you ever been to a roller derby match? They're quite exciting!"

Kurt says he's never been.

Donor Paul R. asks "You mentioned you can now have a grill. If so, what will you grill first? Steak? Ribs? mmmmm... riiiibs *Homer Simpson drool*"

Kurt says he's done so already! The first thing he grilled was a thanksgiving turkey breast. Ew :( I prefer Paul's suggestions! He mentions a couple of other foods. Chicken breast too (ew again) but no burgers! What gives, Kurt! At least he did some steaks. As for me, I don't like chicken or turkey meat at all.

Donor James asks "Have you ever thought about doing a livestream fundraiser where you walk a minute for every dollar donated? I believe it would be a good way for the donations to pick up!"

Kurt talks about thinking of ways to keep things interesting and says this is an interesting idea.

Donor Anonymous asks "What is the most interesting conversation you ever had?"

Kurt has trouble coming up with something. For the most interesting, I suppose it wouldn't come to you straight away.

Kurt takes a screenshot of a cool looking natural arch.

Donor Shook50(sp?) asks "Since you raised money for Child's Play charity, have you ever seen the Child's Play movies?"

Kurt has seen bits of them but he's not that big into horror movies. Nice play on words though!

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