Friday 8 January 2016

Grow Home 04


Quite the cliffhanger that was! Kurt climbs back up onto the top of that floating island from last time.

Climbing further, he falls off and is forced to use his float flower  to an island with toadstools on it. There's a crystal here but no float flower... Kurt falls again and this time it's a plummet all the way down to the sea. Thankfully, he can restore from a save.

Soon he's back to growing stalks again. The main plant grows taller with a waterfall all around. It's pretty cool. Kurt climbs up through and hops across some floating rocks. While picking a flower, Kurt's head comes off! How did that happen?! Craziness!

He climbs a weird looking flower, hoping it'll catapult him. It doesn't. He walks along this island and there are spiky shrubs and trees. Lots of dangerous looking holes too. He spots a save point but falls in the water and dies :( Now he has to climb all the way up from the last point again!

He eventually makes it to the save point and examines a nearby plant that shoots him straight up into the air. From atop a mountain, he ends the episode. He's just under halfway up to home!

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