Saturday 16 January 2016

SpeedRunners with MindCrack #45


Now for more SpeedRunning with Kurt, Millbee, MCGamer and Coestar!

First up is SpeedHookers at the Factory stage. Coestar wins it, due to squabbling betwen the others for second place! Priorities guys!

Second is Reverse SpeedRunners at the Plaza stage. Kurt worked really hard on this and avoiding the hooks but Millbee wins... I wouldn't mind but Millbee was whinging about not getting a win mark for ages. Dang it!

Some weird in-joke is going on between these stages. Not even Kurt is in the loop! What was it about?! Sounded like they were choking!

Third is RocketRunners at the Library stage. Kurt closes the library and wins it! Yes! :D

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