Sunday 31 January 2016

(2/2) FLoB 4-Year Livestream Part 1


Kurt tries sleeping without a door in the hidey hole near the 292202 monument and gets a rude awakening from a skeleton! It's a good thing he continues to keep it covered in the main series!

He loads up the Combat Canyon for the first time in a long long time and it lives up to its name! Mobs spawn all over the place and he nearly doesn't make it home to his base! He's not going to come back to this regularly, but he gives some interesting history about this world.

Some weird connection thing happens and so, the livestreaming has to continue the next day.

He gets in trouble near the nether portal and flees, finding an old house he built. He didn't remember it! I don't remember the house either but I do remember when he built the nether portal. He was doing it all efficient like and I think he had help, or learned how to do it from someone. It was an alternative to mining obsidian. He could just generate it instead of mining it.

He then discovers a stairwell he made but forgot about. He feels the game is so similar and yet so different to the way it is now. He can't quite put his finger on how it is though. He gets an intense feeling of déjà vu. I'm not getting this feeling... I don't remember this stairwell at all...

He heads back to the base and ends this part of the livestream.

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